
第42章 CHAPTER X(2)

"Responsible position!It's our good landlady who ought to talk about that.With two sets of lodgers,a husband,and an indefinite number of children.There's one of them got into mischief at last.


"It's Jack,my namesake.Bless my life!I knew he would come to grief with that donkey.Hey,lad!never mind.Get up again."But soon he perceived that the accident was more serious;and disappeared like a shot,leaping out through the open window.The next minute I saw him carrying in the unlucky Jack,who was bleeding from a cut in the forehead,and screaming vociferously.

"Don't be frightened,Mrs.Tod;it is very slight--I saw it done.

Jack,my lad!--be a man,and never mind it.Don't scream so;you alarm your mother."But as soon as the good woman was satisfied that there was no real cause for terror,hers changed into hearty wrath against Jack for his carelessness,and for giving so much trouble to the gentleman.

"But he be always getting into mischief,sir--that boy.Three months back,the very day Mr.March came,he got playing with the carriage-horse,and it kicked him and broke his arm.A deal he cares:he be just as sprack as ever.As I say to Tod--it bean't no use fretting over that boy.""Have patience,"answered John,who had again carried the unfortunate young scapegrace from our parlour into Mrs.Tod's kitchen--the centre room of the cottage;and was trying to divert the torrent of maternal indignation,while he helped her to plaster up the still ugly looking wound."Come,forgive the lad.He will be more sorry afterwards than if you had punished him.""Do'ee think so?"said the woman,as,struck either by the words,the manner,or the tone,she looked up straight at him."Do'ee really think so,Mr.Halifax?""I am sure of it.Nothing makes one so good as being forgiven when one has been naughty.Isn't it so,Jack,my namesake?""Jack ought to be proud o'that,sir,"said the mother,respectfully;"and there's some sense in what you say,too.You talk like my man does,o'Sundays.Tod be a Scotchman,Mr.Halifax;and they're good folks,the Scotch,and read their Bibles hard.There's a deal about forgiving in the Bible;isn't there,sir?""Exactly,"John answered,smiling."And so,Jack,you're safe this time;only you must not disobey your mother again,for the sake of donkeys or anything else.""No,sir--thank'ee,sir,"sobbed Jack,humbly."You be a gentleman--Mr.March bean't--he said it served me right for getting under his horses.""Hold thy tongue!"said Jack's mother,sharply;for the latch of the opposite door was just then lifted,and a lady stood there.

"Mrs.Tod;my father says--"

Seeing strangers,the lady paused.At the sound of her voice--a pleasant voice,though somewhat quick and decided in tone--John and Iboth involuntarily turned.We felt awkward!doubtful whether to stay or retire abruptly.She saved us the choice.

"Mrs.Tod,my father will take his soup at eleven.You will remember?""Yes,Miss March."

Upon which,Miss March shut the door at once,and vanished.

She wore a grey silken gown.I glanced at John,but he did not see me,his eyes were fixed on the door,which had disclosed and concealed the momentary picture.Its momentariness impressed it the more vividly on my memory--I have it there still.

A girl,in early but not precocious maturity,rather tall,of a figure built more for activity and energy than the mere fragility of sylph-like grace:dark-complexioned,dark-eyed,dark-haired--the whole colouring being of that soft darkness of tone which gives a sense of something at once warm and tender,strong and womanly.

Thorough woman she seemed--not a bit of the angel about her.

Scarcely beautiful;and "pretty"would have been the very last word to have applied to her;but there was around her an atmosphere of freshness,health,and youth,pleasant as a breeze in spring.

For her attire,it was that notable grey silk gown--very simply made,with no fripperies or fandangos of any sort--reaching up to her throat and down to her wrists,where it had some kind of trimming of white fur,which made the skin beneath show exquisitely delicate.

"That is Miss March,"said our landlady,when she had disappeared.

"Is it?"said John,removing his eyes from the shut door.

"She be very sensible-like,for a young body of seventeen;more sensible and pleasanter than her father,who is always ailing,and always grumbling.Poor gentleman!--most like he can't help it.But it be terrible hard for the daughter--bean't it,sir?""Very,"said John.His laconism was extraordinary.

Still he kept standing by the kitchen-table,waiting till the last bandage had been sewn on Jack's cut forehead,and even some minutes after his protege had begun playing about as usual.It was I who had to suggest that we should not intrude in Mrs.Tod's kitchen any longer.

"No--certainly not.Come,Phineas.Mrs.Tod,I hope our presence did not inconvenience--the young lady?""Bless your heart,sir!nothing ever inconveniences she.There bean't a pleasanter young body alive.She'll often come into this kitchen--just as you did,gentlemen,and very happy to see you always,"added Mrs.Tod,curtseying."When Mr.March is asleep she'll come and sit for half an hour,talking to Tod and me;and playing with the baby--"Here,probably at sound of its name,the individual alluded to set up,from its cradle in the corner,such a terrific squall,that we young men beat a precipitate retreat.

"So,John,your grey gown is discovered at last.She's young,certainly--but not exactly a beauty.""I never said she was."

"A pleasant person,though;hearty,cheerful-looking,and strong.Ican easily imagine her trotting over the common with her basket of eggs--chatting to the old woman,and scolding the naughty boy.""Don't make fun of her.She must have a hard life with her old father."Of course,seeing him take it up so seriously,I jested no more.

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  • 带本英语书游世界


    本书章节分为 Chapter 1 万事俱备 Chapter 2 快乐出发 Chapter 3 平安到达 Chapter 4 享受美食 Chapter 5 遨游世界 Chapter 6 疯狂购物每个章节详细描写了相关旅游出行的细节,词汇补给、旅游应急句、实用情景对话帮助读者轻松出行。
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  • 云深从瑾来


  • 如兰似月

