

Flung into the river,the precious wheat,and in the very sight of the famished rioters!A howl of fury and despair arose.Some plunged into the water,ere the eddies left by the falling mass had ceased--but it was too late.A sharp substance in the river's bed had cut the bag,and we saw thrown up to the surface,and whirled down the Avon,thousands of dancing grains.A few of the men swam,or waded after them,clutching a handful here or there--but by the mill-pool the river ran swift,and the wheat had all soon disappeared,except what remained in the bag when it was drawn on shore.Over even that they fought like demons.

We could not look at them--John and I.He put his hand over his eyes,muttering the Name that,young man as he was,I had never yet heard irreverently and thoughtlessly on his lips.It was a sight that would move any one to cry for pity unto the Great Father of the human family.

Abel Fletcher sat on his remaining bags,in an exhaustion that Ithink was not all physical pain.The paroxysm of anger past,he,ever a just man,could not fail to be struck with what he had done.

He seemed subdued,even to something like remorse.

John looked at him,and looked away.For a minute he listened in silence to the shouting outside,and then turned to my father.

"Sir,you must come now.Not a second to lose--they will fire the mill next.""Let them."

"Let them?--and Phineas is here!"

My poor father!He rose at once.

We got him down-stairs--he was very lame--his ruddy face all drawn and white with pain;but he did not speak one word of opposition,or utter a groan of complaint.

The flour-mill was built on piles,in the centre of the narrow river.

It was only a few steps of bridge-work to either bank.The little door was on the Norton Bury side,and was hid from the opposite shore,where the rioters had now collected.In a minute we had crept forth,and dashed out of sight,in the narrow path which had been made from the mill to the tan-yard.

"Will you take my arm?we must get on fast."

"Home?"said my father,as John led him passively along.

"No,sir,not home:they are there before you.Your life's not safe an hour--unless,indeed,you get soldiers to guard it."Abel Fletcher gave a decided negative.The stern old Quaker held to his principles still.

"Then you must hide for a time--both of you.Come to my room.You will be secure there.Urge him,Phineas--for your sake and his own."But my poor broken-down father needed no urging.Grasping more tightly both John's arm and mine,which,for the first time in his life,he leaned upon,he submitted to be led whither we chose.So,after this long interval of time,I once more stood in Sally Watkins'small attic;where,ever since I first brought him there,John Halifax had lived.

Sally knew not of our entrance;she was out,watching the rioters.

No one saw us but Jem,and Jem's honour was safe as a rock.I knew that in the smile with which he pulled off his cap to "Mr.Halifax.""Now,"said John,hastily smoothing his bed,so that my father might lie down,and wrapping his cloak round me--"you must both be very still.You will likely have to spend the night here.Jem shall bring you a light and supper.You will make yourself easy,Abel Fletcher?""Ay."It was strange to see how decidedly,yet respectfully,John spoke,and how quietly my father answered.

"And,Phineas"--he put his arm round my shoulder in his old way--"you will take care of yourself.Are you any stronger than you used to be?"I clasped his hand without reply.My heart melted to hear that tender accent,so familiar once.All was happening for the best,if it only gave me back David.

"Now good-bye--I must be off."

"Whither?"said my father,rousing himself.

"To try and save the house and the tan-yard--I fear we must give up the mill.No,don't hold me,Phineas.I run no risk:everybody knows me.Besides,I am young.There!see after your father.Ishall come back in good time."

He grasped my hands warmly--then unloosed them;and I heard his step descending the staircase.The room seemed to darken when he went away.

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    枝繁叶茂的亚热带丛林中,一只冠齿兽正在河边从容地喝水,丝毫没有注意到长草丛后面几只中爪兽阴鸷的小眼睛;河流上游,一只成年鳄鱼将整个身体潜入水下,伺机来一场“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”的好戏。 然而这场已经准备好的连环杀戮盛宴却因为一只矮暴龙的插手而泡汤了。眼看猎物被这恶霸夺走,中爪兽们只能够无奈地互相舔舔伤痕,继续物色下一个目标;至于那只潜伏的鳄鱼,则早已经吓得逃回了老窝。 这一幕情景发生在新生代,晚于二十一世纪科学家们推测的“白垩纪—第三纪恐龙大灭绝事件”至少一千万年。 作为新生代最后一只恐龙,乔华感到自己任重而道远。 “你能想象出当我知道自己是最后一只恐龙后的那种绝望么?”乔华用爪子轻轻挠着发白的肚皮道,“这就好比重生成了张作霖,结果一问旁边的副官自己在哪儿。尼玛,皇姑屯!”
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