
第19章 CHAPTER V(1)

Summers and winters slipped by lazily enough,as the years seemed always to crawl round at Norton Bury.How things went in the outside world I little knew or cared.My father lived his life,mechanical and steady as clock-work,and we two,John Halifax and Phineas Fletcher,lived our lives--the one so active and busy,the other so useless and dull.Neither of us counted the days,nor looked backwards or forwards.

One June morning I woke to the consciousness that I was twenty years old,and that John Halifax was--a man:the difference between us being precisely as I have expressed it.

Our birthdays fell within a week of each other,and it was in remembering his--the one which advanced him to the dignity of eighteen--that I called to mind my own.I say,"advanced him to the dignity"--but in truth that is an idle speech;for any dignity which the maturity of eighteen may be supposed to confer he had already in possession.Manhood had come to him,both in character and demeanour,not as it comes to most young lads,an eagerly-desired and presumptuously-asserted claim,but as a rightful inheritance,to be received humbly,and worn simply and naturally.So naturally,that Inever seemed to think of him as anything but a boy,until this one June Sunday,when,as before stated,I myself became twenty years old.

I was talking over that last fact,in a rather dreamy mood,as he and I sat in our long-familiar summer seat,the clematis arbour by the garden wall.

"It seems very strange,John,but so it is--I am actually twenty.""Well,and what of that?"

I sat looking down into the river,which flowed on,as my years were flowing,monotonous,dark,and slow,--as they must flow on for ever.

John asked me what I was thinking of.

"Of myself:what a fine specimen of the noble genus homo I am."I spoke bitterly,but John knew how to meet that mood.Very patient he was with it and with every ill mood of mine.And I was grateful,with that deep gratitude we feel to those who bear with us,and forgive us,and laugh at us,and correct us,--all alike for love.

"Self-investigation is good on birthdays.Phineas,here goes for a catalogue of your qualities,internal and external.""John,don't be foolish."

"I will,if I like;though perhaps not quite so foolish as some other people;so listen:--'Imprimis,'as saith Shakspeare--Imprimis,height,full five feet four;a stature historically appertaining to great men,including Alexander of Macedon and the First Consul.""Oh,oh!"said I,reproachfully;for this was our chief bone of contention--I hating,he rather admiring,the great ogre of the day,Napoleon Bonaparte.

"Imprimis,of a slight,delicate person,but not lame as once was.""No,thank God!"


"Very--a mere skeleton!"

"Face elongated and pale-"

"Sallow,John,decidedly sallow."

"Be it so,sallow.Big eyes,much given to observation,which means hard staring.Take them off me,Phineas,or I'll not lie on the grass a minute longer.Thank you.To return:Imprimis and finis (I'm grand at Latin now,you see)--long hair,which,since the powder tax,has resumed its original blackness,and is--any young damsel would say,only we count not a single one among our acquaintance--exceedingly bewitching."

I smiled,feeling myself colour a little too,weak invalid as I was.

I was,nevertheless,twenty years old;and although Jael and Sally were the only specimens of the other sex which had risen on my horizon,yet once or twice,since I had read Shakspeare,I had had a boy's lovely dreams of the divinity of womanhood.They began,and ended--mere dreams.Soon dawned the bare,hard truth,that my character was too feeble and womanish to be likely to win any woman's reverence or love.Or,even had this been possible,one sickly as Iwas,stricken with hereditary disease,ought never to seek to perpetuate it by marriage.I therefore put from me,at once and for ever,every feeling of that kind;and during my whole life--I thank God!--have never faltered in my resolution.Friendship was given me for love--duty for happiness.So best,and I was satisfied.

This conviction,and the struggle succeeding it--for,though brief,it was but natural that it should have been a hard struggle--was the only secret that I had kept from John.It had happened some months now,and was quite over and gone,so that I could smile at his fun,and shake at him my "bewitching"black locks,calling him a foolish boy.And while I said it,the notion slowly dawning during the long gaze he had complained of,forced itself upon me,clear as daylight,that he was not a "boy"any longer.

"Now let me turn the tables.How old are YOU,John?""You know.Eighteen next week."

"And how tall?"

"Five feet eleven inches and a half."And,rising,he exhibited to its full advantage that very creditable altitude,more tall perhaps than graceful,at present;since,like most youths,he did not as yet quite know what to do with his legs and arms.But he was--I cannot describe what he was.I could not then.I only remember that when I looked at him,and began jocularly "Imprimis,"my heart came up into my throat and choked me.

It was almost with sadness that I said,"Ah!David,you are quite a young man now."He smiled,of course only with pleasure,looking forward to the new world into which he was going forth;the world into which,as I knew well,I could never follow him.

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