

"He will not be exactly a boy now.I wonder if we shall find him much changed.""Very likely.Brown,with a great beard;he said so in one of his letters.I shall hardly know my boy again."--With a lighting-up of the eye that furnished a flat contradiction to the mother's statement.

"Here are some of Mrs.Tod's roses,I see."

"She made me take them.She said Master Guy always used to stop and pick a bunch as he rode past.She hopes she shall see him ride past on Sunday next.Guy must pay her one of his very first visits;the good old soul!"I hinted that Guy would have to pay visits half over the country,to judge by the number of invitations I had heard of.

"Yes.Everybody wants to steal my boy.Everybody has a welcome for him.--How bright old Watkins has polished that gun!--Sir Herbert says,Guy must come over to the shooting next week.He used to be exceedingly fond of going to the manor-house."I smiled to see the innocent smile of this good mother,who would have recoiled at the accusation of match-making.Yet I knew she was thinking of her great favourite,pretty Grace Oldtower;who was Grace Oldtower still,and had refused,gossip said,half the brilliant matches in the county,to the amazement and strong disapprobation of all her friends--excepting Mrs.Halifax.

"Come away,Phineas!"slightly sighing,as if her joy weighed her down,or as if conscious that she was letting fancy carry her too far into the unknown future."His room is quite ready now,whatever time the boy arrives.Come away."She shut and locked the door.To be opened--when?

Morning broke,and none could have desired a brighter marriage-morning.Sunshine out of doors--sunshine on all the faces within;only family faces,--for no other guests had been invited,and we had kept the day as secret as we could;there was nothing John disliked more than a show-wedding.Therefore it was with some surprise that while they were all up-stairs adorning themselves for church,Maud and I,standing at the hall-door,saw Lord Ravenel's travelling carriage drive up to it,and Lord Ravenel himself,with a quicker and more decided gesture than was natural to him,spring out.

Maud ran into the porch;startling him much,apparently;for indeed she was a sweet vision of youth,happiness,and grace,in her pretty bridesmaid's dress.

"Is this the wedding-morning?I did not know--I will come again to-morrow;"and he seemed eager to escape back to his carriage.

This action relieved me from a vague apprehension of ill tidings,and made less painful the first question which rose to my lips,"Had he seen Guy?""No."

"We thought for the moment it might be Guy come home,"Maud cried.

"We are expecting him.Have you heard of him since we saw you?Is he quite well?""I believe so."

I thought the answer brief;but then he was looking intently upon Guy's sister,who held his hands in her childish,affectionate way;she had not yet relinquished her privilege of being Lord Ravenel's "pet."When,hesitatingly,he proposed returning to Luxmore,unwilling to intrude upon the marriage,the little lady would not hear of it for a moment.She took the unexpected guest to the study,left him there with her father,explained to her mother all about his arrival and his having missed seeing Guy--appearing entirely delighted.

I came into the drawing-room,and sat watching the sun shining on marriage-garments and marriage-faces,all as bright as bright could be,--including the mother's.It had clouded over for a few moments when the postman's ring was heard;but she said at once that it was most unlikely Guy would write--she had told him there was no need to write.So she stood content,smoothing down the soft folds of her beautiful shawl,which Guy meant her to wear to-day.This,together with his fond remembrance of her,seemed almost as comfortable as the visible presence of her boy.Her boy,who was sure to come to-morrow.

"John,is that you?How softly you came in.And Lord Ravenel!He knows we are glad to see him.Shall we make him one of our own family for the time being,and take him with us to see Edwin married?"Lord Ravenel bowed.

"Maud tells us you have not seen Guy.I doubt if he will be able to arrive to-day;but we fully expect him tomorrow."Lord Ravenel bowed again.Mrs.Halifax said something about this unexpected arrival of his.

"He came on business,"John answered quickly,and Ursula made no more inquiries.

She stood,talking with Lord Ravenel--as I could see her stand now,playing with the deep fringe of her shawl;the sun glancing on that rich silk dress,of her favourite silver-grey;a picture of matronly grace and calm content,as charming as even the handsome,happy bride.

I was still looking at her,when John called me aside.I followed him to the study.

"Shut the door."

By his tone and look I knew in a moment that something had happened.

"Yes.I'll tell you presently--if there's time."While he was speaking some violent pain--physical or mental,or both--seemed to seize him.I had my hand on the door to call Ursula,but he held me fast with a kind of terror.

"Call no one.I am used to it.Water!"

He drank a glassful,which stood by,breathed once or twice heavily,and gradually recovered himself.The colour had scarcely come back into his face when he heard Maud run laughing through the hall.

"Father,where are you?We are waiting for you.""I will come in two minutes,my child."

Having said this,in his own natural voice,he closed the door again,and spoke to me rapidly.

"Phineas,I want you to stay away from church;make some excuse,or Iwill for you.Write a letter for me to this address in Paris.Say--Guy Halifax's father will be there,without fail,within a week,to answer all demands.""All demands!"I echoed,bewildered.

He repeated the sentence word for word."Can you remember it?

  • 正行集


  • 太一救苦护身妙经


  • 燕子笺


  • 道应训


  • 大圣欢喜双身毗那夜迦天形像品仪轨


  • 玉井樵唱


  • 未竟的荣光


  • 迈克尔·波伦“饮食觉醒”系列:杂食者的两难+为食物辩护+吃的法则(套装共3册)


  • 无上女仙君


  • 沧海4:周流万物


    万归藏指使西财神艾伊丝与谷缜临江斗宝,他想要权倾天下的野心终被众人察觉。艾伊丝挟持施妙妙胁迫谷缜,并将二人弃于荒岛,机缘巧合下,谷缜竟习得西城绝技“周流六虚功 ”。九九之期,论道灭神,灵鳌岛上,群雄汇聚,东岛、西城不可避免地迎来了决战。谷缜凭着自己的智勇收复东岛,并与陆渐等人并肩对付西城城主万归藏,在落败而亡的危急时刻,谷缜与万归藏定下寻宝决胜之约,遁着八幅祖师画像上的线索踏上寻宝之途。《沧海(卷4周流万物)》中在谷、陆二人协力之下,这次谜团重重、惊险壮丽的环球远征终于以万归藏倒在“天罚剑”下而告终。锚起,帆张,东方一轮红日喷薄出海,东岛、西城的命运归于沉寂,陆渐、谷缜最终也迎来了新的生活……
  • 暖暖如沐清风


  • 那个半仙姑娘


    梦回邂逅,终难,望天下繁华,不相识,又何妨.........那只盘旋在老柳树树梢上的绿色的精灵即使再重来一世...也还是照样走了相同的路...我只愿护你安好...其他的...不在乎..... “你自己选的路……那就坚持下去……”那个绿色的精灵看着面前这个一度想要放弃的女孩,眼里有心疼也有犹豫,她不能放弃,因为这是一条没有终点的路,可她辛苦的样子有那么想让他开口告诉她“好了,就到这里,结束了”,女孩抬起头来看着精灵绿色的眼睛,收起眼里的泪水,再睁开眼时只剩一片坚决“柳……我可以的” …… 直到最后一刻,女孩回到了最初的那个小村庄,她拖着满身的伤,靠坐在那颗巨大的柳树旁,本来灰败的眼神突然绽发了一丝光彩,美丽的脸庞勾勒出一丝笑意,宛若黄鹂般的嗓音传出“柳……你……信命吗……” 她花费了全身的灵力重新封闭了那个小村庄,等待下一次的相遇…… 本文是甜文,女主会不断变强,但会有小虐……
  • 我的盗墓故事


  • 圣八千颂般若波罗蜜多一百八名真实圆义陀罗尼经


  • 乌合之众

