


"The public's shoving,unafraid of bruises!

Some Talma there,perhaps,home of the Muses!"

Please,friend,sharp weapons don't attract.

It's comedyby apes that act.

At ease,I watched the apes put on Their show.And it was good clean fun.

So naturaljust one thing missing,Which was,to use the walls for p.

Suddenly,somebody plucked my cloak.

"Really,that was a peculiar joke!

A young girl swooned at what she saw,Flew on a monkey's breast and claws.

She batted her eyes,said timidly:

'O depths of exquisite agony!

O harmony!Delicious sorrow!

That monkey thrills me to the marrow!

I feel as if I were magnetised,The ape played me;I loved him,hypnotised.

O monkey,speak,for I'm bewitched by you!

I just can't breathe,my head is spinning,too!"


I also sought amusement,so I spared no money for a show,Threw on my frockcoat by lamplight,And entered the nearest box that night.

I got much worse than I'd bargained for;

Oh,how I cursed myself and swore.

A missie needs must make me hold The libretto.I muttered,"My hand feels cold!"

"Well,then,wear gloves!"the lady cried.

"They get on my nerves,Miss!"I replied.

She bared her neck and bosom and all,And asked me to keep an eye on her shawl.

Said I to her,"The fire burns low,And raw flesh gives me vertigo!"

She shrieked,"Oh,wasn't the ballet divine!"

Said I,"O God,has the gazette got anything worth reading about in the meantime?"


I sat,lost in the music's spell.

She sneered,"The man's a fool as well!"

TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT Mistress:Now then,just what d'you want of me?

Maid:The usual terms.But one more thing

To avoid any family quarrelling,I must have visitors once a month for tea.

SENTIMENTAL SOULS The butcher's slaughtering a calf.They cry.

The creature bellows till it's been bled dry.

They laugh.O Heaven,how very,very weird The ways of Nature.A dog wears no beard.

Why all these ravings,as if from sunstroke?

We hear that even Balaam's Ass once spoke!

ROMANTICISM ÀLA MODE The child who,as you know,once wrote to Goethe,Wanting to make him fancy that he loved her,Went to the theatre one fine day.

A Uniform then stalked her way And came towards her with a friendly smile.

"Kind Sir,Bettina wishes,for a while,Smitten with sweet desire,to rest Her curly head upon your breast."

The Uniform then answered rather drily,"Bettina,that is up to you entirely!"

"Sweetie,"she answered in a trice,"Of course you're sure I have no lice!"

TO THE SUN OF TRUTH (F.QUEDNOW)Lamplight and star glimmer,Depth of heart and beauty's shimmer,Soul's grace and white skin's bloom

You never show them openly,Sun of Truth you claim to be.

Every bride has her groom,Sun of Truth you well may call Yourselfthe Sun throws shadows,after all!

ON A CERTAIN KNIGHTHERO Dig at him here,dig at him there,and ever You'll find that Knight and Hero merge together.

His dancetalk's uptodate all right,But ancient bugs eat him at night.

TO MY NEIGHBOUR ACROSS THE STREET She stares at me from over yonder God,I can't stand it any longer.

A little man,a yellow house,A woman lank and nauseous.

Since Inspiration could take flight,I'd better pull the blind downtight.

A PHILISTINE WONDERS "I don't know how they quarrel with themselves the way they do.

Just button up your coat,good sir,and they won't steal from you."


We have boiled everything down to signs,And Reasoning's done on strict mathematical lines.

If God's a point,as cylinder he just won't pass,You can't stand on your head while sitting on your.


If a's the Beloved and b is the Lover,My shirt I'll wager ten times over That a and b when added up'll Constitute one Loving Couple.


Measure the World with lines about,You'll never drive its Spirit out.

If feuds were settled by a and b,The Courts would be swindled out of their fee.

TO THE MEDICAL STUDENTS Damned philistinomedicostudent crew,The whole world's just bag of bones to you.

When once you've cooled the blood with Hydrogen,And when you've felt the pulse's throbbing,then You think,"I've done the most I'm able to.

Man could be very comfortable,too.

How clever of Almighty God to be So very well versed in Anatomy!"

And flowers are all instruments to use,When they've been boiled down into herbal brews.

MEDICAL STUDENT PSYCHOLOGY Who eats a supper of dumplings and noodles,Will suffer fromnightmares,oodles and oodles.

MEDICAL STUDENT METAPHYSICS No Spirit ever has existed.

Oxen have lived and never missed it.

The Soul is idle fantasy;

In the stomach it certainly can't be found,And if one were able to run it to ground,Then almost any pill would set it free.

Then Spirits would be seen Emerging in an endless stream.

MEDICAL STUDENT ANTHROPOLOGY He who would sickness foil Must learn to rub his nether half with oil,So that no wind or draught Can chill him fore and aft.

Man also can achieve his ends With dietary regimens;

And Culture thus emerges As soon as Man starts using purges.

MEDICAL STUDENT ETHICS Lest perspiration harm,it's best On journeys to wear more than just one vest.

Beware all passion that prdduces Disorders of the gastric juices.

Do not let your glances wander Where flames can burst your eyes asunder.

Mix water with your wine,Take milk in coffee every time;

And don't forget to have us called When leaving for the Afterworld.

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  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
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