
第43章 The Enlightenments of Pagett, M.P.(11)

"I wish it was," replied Orde; "but anyway, it's an absurdly inadequate sum, and shows one of the blank sides of Oriental character."

Pagett was silent for a long time. The question of direct and personal pain did not lie within his researches. He pre ferred to discuss the weightier matters of the law, and contented himself with murmuring: "They'll do better later on." Then, with a rush, returning to his first thought:

"But, my dear Orde, if it's merely a class movement of a local and temporary character, how d' you account for Bradlaugh, who is at least a man of sense taking it up?"

"I know nothing of the champion of the New Brahmins but what I see in the papers. I suppose there is something tempting in being hailed by a large assemblage as the representative of the aspirations of two hundred and fifty millions of people. Such a man looks 'through all the roaring and the wreaths,' and does not reflect that it is a false perspective, which, as a matter of fact, hides the real complex and manifold India from his gaze. He can scarcely be expected to distinguish between the ambitions of a new oligarchy and the real wants of the people of whom he knows nothing. But it's strange that a professed Radical should come to be the chosen advocate of a movement which has for its aim the revival of an ancient tyranny. Shows how even Radicalism can fall into academic grooves and miss the essential truths of its own creed. Believe me, Pagett, to deal with India you want first-hand knowledge and experience. I wish he would come and live here for a couple of years or so."

"Is not this rather an ad hminem style of argument?"

"Can't help it in a case like this. Indeed, I am not sure you ought not to go further and weigh the whole character and quality and upbringing of the man. You must admit that the monumental complacency with which he trotted out his ingenious little Constitution for India showed a strange want of imagination and the sense of humor."

"No, I don't quite admit it," said Pagett.

"Well, you know him and I don't, but that's how it strikes a stranger." He turned on his heel and paced the veranda thoughtfully. "And, after all, the burden of the actual, daily unromantic toil falls on the shoulders of the men out here, and not on his own. He enjoys all the privileges of recommendation without responsibility, and we-well, perhaps, when you've seen a little more of India you'll understand. To begin with, our death rate's five times higher than yours-I speak now for the brutal bureaucrat--and we work on the refuse of worked-out cities and exhausted civilizations, among the bones of the dead."

Pagett laughed. "That's an epigrammatic way of putting it, Orde."

"Is it? Let's see," said the Deputy Commissioner of Amara, striding into the sunshine toward a half-naked gardener potting roses. He took the man's hoe, and went to a rain-scarped bank at the bottom of the garden.

"Come here, Pagett," he said, and cut at the sun-baked soil. After three strokes there rolled from under the blade of the hoe the half of a clanking skeleton that settled at Pagett's feet in an unseemly jumble of bones. The M.P. drew back.

"Our houses are built on cemeteries," said Orde. "There are scores of thousands of graves within ten miles."

Pagett was contemplating the skull with the awed fascination of a man who has but little to do with the dead. "India's a very curious place," said he, after a pause.

"Ah? You'll know all about it in three months. Come in to lunch," said Orde.

  • 容斋三笔


  • 蓝茧


    来自中国的夏瑞漫在英国读了两年高中后迈进了大学校园。她根据自己的兴趣,选择历史作为专业。从学习到生活,大学对于夏瑞漫来说充满了不适应和挑战 - 看规定书籍因为一句都不明白的挫败感,自觉无人可以依靠而心升的无助等等。但渐渐的,她喜欢上了她的大学Woodlands School 和伦敦这座城市。通过不同的方式,夏瑞漫结识到世界各国的朋友,主要以中国人和英国人为主。他们每个人都有自己的性格特点、做事方式和思维想法。在学校里,夏瑞漫先是为学校报刊报导新闻,后来成功竞选成为新闻主编。她两次的爱情经历有甜蜜和美好更有苦涩和悲痛,给她的是截然不同的体验。
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    群号:929584417 叶少柒觉得自己做的最愚蠢的两件事:一是挖了九百九十九个坑,二是作死的答应填坑了。“需要宿主和叶少柒共同完成任务,填完所有坑,让小说不偏离主题。”“多少个坑?”挖坑容易,填坑难。“999个坑。”画圈圈诅咒你,没事挖那么多坑。叶少柒一个小说家,每天挖一个坑,从不填坑,永远烂尾。系统:我们的口号就是码字码字,存稿存稿,埋坑埋坑,目标就是,填完所有坑!我穿梭小说的每一个角落,只因你曾存在过,只要叶少柒填完所有坑,我就可以活着出现在你的面前。【本文纯属虚构,请勿当真,勿模仿】 推荐《吾与春风皆过客》
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