

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things:

Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--

Of cabbages--and kings--

And why the sea is boiling hot--

And whether pigs have wings."

"But wait a bit," the Oysters cried, "Before we have our chat;For some of us are out of breath, And all of us are fat!""No hurry!" said the Carpenter.

They thanked him much for that.

"A loaf of bread," the Walrus said, "Is what we chiefly need:

Pepper and vinegar besides Are very good indeed--Now if you're ready Oysters dear, We can begin to feed.""But not on us!" the Oysters cried, Turning a little blue, "After such kindness, that would be A dismal thing to do!""The night is fine," the Walrus said "Do you admire the view?

"It was so kind of you to come!

And you are very nice!"

The Carpenter said nothing but "Cut us another slice:

I wish you were not quite so deaf--

I've had to ask you twice!"

"It seems a shame," the Walrus said, "To play them such a trick, After we've brought them out so far, And made them trot so quick!"The Carpenter said nothing but "The butter's spread too thick!""I weep for you," the Walrus said.

"I deeply sympathize."

With sobs and tears he sorted out Those of the largest size.

Holding his pocket handkerchief Before his streaming eyes.

"O Oysters," said the Carpenter.

"You've had a pleasant run!

Shall we be trotting home again?"

But answer came there none--

And that was scarcely odd, because They'd eaten every one.'

`I like the Walrus best,' said Alice: `because you see he was a LITTLE sorry for the poor oysters.'

`He ate more than the Carpenter, though,' said Tweedledee.

`You see he held his handkerchief in front, so that the Carpenter couldn't count how many he took: contrariwise.'

`That was mean!' Alice said indignantly. `Then I like the Carpenter best--if he didn't eat so many as the Walrus.'

`But he ate as many as he could get,' said Tweedledum.

This was a puzzler. After a pause, Alice began, `Well! They were BOTH very unpleasant characters--' Here she checked herself in some alarm, at hearing something that sounded to her like the puffing of a large steam-engine in the wood near them, though she feared it was more likely to be a wild beast.

`Are there any lions or tigers about here?' she asked timidly.

`It's only the Red King snoring,' said Tweedledee.

`Come and look at him!' the brothers cried, and they each took one of Alice's hands, and led her up to where the King was sleeping.

`Isn't he a LOVELY sight?' said Tweedledum.

Alice couldn't say honestly that he was. He had a tall red night-cap on, with a tassel, and he was lying crumpled up into a sort of untidy heap, and snoring loud--`fit to snore his head off!' as Tweedledum remarked.

`I'm afraid he'll catch cold with lying on the damp grass,' said Alice, who was a very thoughtful little girl.

`He's dreaming now,' said Tweedledee: `and what do you think he's dreaming about?'

Alice said `Nobody can guess that.'

`Why, about YOU!' Tweedledee exclaimed, clapping his hands triumphantly. `And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?'

`Where I am now, of course,' said Alice.

`Not you!' Tweedledee retorted contemptuously. `You'd be nowhere. Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream!'

`If that there King was to wake,' added Tweedledum, `you'd go out--bang!--just like a candle!'

`I shouldn't!' Alice exclaimed indignantly. `Besides, if I'Monly a sort of thing in his dream, what are YOU, I should like to know?'

`Ditto' said Tweedledum.

`Ditto, ditto' cried Tweedledee.

He shouted this so loud that Alice couldn't help saying, `Hush!

You'll be waking him, I'm afraid, if you make so much noise.'

`Well, it no use YOUR talking about waking him,' said Tweedledum, `when you're only one of the things in his dream.

You know very well you're not real.'

`I AM real!' said Alice and began to cry.

`You won't make yourself a bit realler by crying,' Tweedledee remarked: `there's nothing to cry about.'

`If I wasn't real,' Alice said--half-laughing though her tears, it all seemed so ridiculous--`I shouldn't be able to cry.'

`I hope you don't suppose those are real tears?' Tweedledum interrupted in a tone of great contempt.

`I know they're talking nonsense,' Alice thought to herself:

`and it's foolish to cry about it.' So she brushed away her tears, and went on as cheerfully as she could. `At any rate I'd better be getting out of the wood, for really it's coming on very dark. Do you think it's going to rain?'

Tweedledum spread a large umbrella over himself and his brother, and looked up into it. `No, I don't think it is,' he said: `at least--not under HERE. Nohow.'

`But it may rain OUTSIDE?'

`It may--if it chooses,' said Tweedledee: `we've no objection. Contrariwise.'

`Selfish things!' thought Alice, and she was just going to say `Good-night' and leave them, when Tweedledum sprang out from under the umbrella and seized her by the wrist.

  • 时光与你皆不负


    二十三岁那年,一个小姑娘,坐在爬满蔷薇的青石墙上,颤颤巍巍的向前挪动着,小心翼翼的接近着窝在墙角处的橘猫,进退两难时的一瞥,小姑娘还没有喊完那声“阿哥”,便跌下了墙头。五年后,一个小姑娘,在夜深人静的夜晚,抱着枕头面对这那人,纠结着双手,别扭的试探着,唤了一声“小叔”,便一头扎进了对方的房中。十年后,一个小姑娘,眸中含笑,从光中走来,扯起那人的衣角,踮起脚尖攀上那人的肩膀,凑近那人的耳边:尤先生,听有谣言说,你爱我? 我想澄清一下,那不并是谣言! 你说你的人生中没有了光,那我便做你的太阳,我做不到对你的袖手旁观,可那又有什么不好? 你的哭、你的恼、你的欢喜、你的骄傲…… 我见证了你的成长,你是不是也要陪我到老! 你跌跌撞撞的向我走来,我定要给你岁月静好! 我用十年,换你一生:我与时光,你不负
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