
第785章 CHAPTER XVI(45)

"Nunc autem quo loco res nostrae sint, ut Serenitati vestrae auxilium praestari possit a nobis, qui non Turcico tantum bello impliciti, sed insuper etiam crudelissimo et iniquissimo a Gallis, rerun suarum, ut putabant, in Anglia securis, contra datam fidem impediti sumus, ipsimet Serenitati vestrae judicandum relinquimus . . . . Galli non tantum in nostrum et totius Christianae orbis perniciem foedifraga arma cum juratis Sanctae Crucis hostibus sociare fas sibi ducunt; sed etiam in imperio, perfidiam perfidia cumulando, urbes deditione occupatas contra datam fidem immensis tributis exhaurire exhaustas diripere, direptas funditus exscindere aut flammis delere Palatia Principum ab omni antiquitate inter saevissima bellorum incendia intacta servata exurere, templa spoliare, dedititios in servitutem more apud barbaros usitato abducere, denique passim, imprimis vero etiam in Catholicorum ditionibus, alia horrenda, et ipsam Turcorum tyrannidem superantia immanitatis et saevitiae exempla edere pro ludo habent."FN 109 See the London Gazettes of Feb. 25. March 11. April 22.

May 2. and the Monthly Mercuries. Some of the Declarations will be found in Dumont's Corps Universel Diplomatique.

FN 110 Commons Journals, April 15. 16. 1689.

FN 111 Oldmixon.

FN 112 Commons' Journals, April 19. 24. 26. 1689.

FN 113 The Declaration is dated on the 7th of May, but was not published in the London Gazette till the 13th.

FN 114 The general opinion of the English on this subject is clearly expressed in a little tract entitled "Aphorisms relating to the Kingdom of Ireland," which appeared during the vacancy of the throne.

FN 115 King's State of the Protestants of Ireland, ii. 6. and iii. 3.

FN 116 King, iii. 3. Clarendon, in a letter to Rochester (June 1.

1686), calls Nugent "a very troublesome, impertinent creature."FN 117 King, iii. 3.

FN 118 King, ii. 6., iii. 3. Clarendon, in a letter to Ormond (Sep. 28.

1686), speaks highly of Nagle's knowledge and ability, but in the Diary (Jan. 31. 1686/7) calls him "a covetous, ambitious man."FN 119 King, ii. 5. 1, iii. 3. 5.; A Short View of the Methods made use of in Ireland for the Subversion and Destruction of the Protestant Religion and Interests, by a Clergyman lately escaped from thence, licensed Oct. 17. 1689.

FN 120 King, iii. 2. I cannot find that Charles Leslie, who was zealous on the other side, has, in his Answer to King, contradicted any of these facts. Indeed Leslie gives up Tyrconnel's administration.

"I desire to obviate one objection which I know will be made, as if I were about wholly to vindicate all that the Lord Tyrconnel and other of King James's ministers have done in Ireland, especially before this revolution began, and which most of any thing brought it on. No;I am far from it. I am sensible that their carriage in many particulars gave greater occasion to King James's enemies than all the other in maladministrations which were charged upon his government."Leslie's Answer to King, 1692.

FN 121 A True and Impartial Account of the most material Passages in Ireland since December 1688, by a Gentleman who was an Eyewitness;licensed July 22. 1689.

FN 122 True and Impartial Account, 1689; Leslie's Answer to King, 1692.

FN 123 There have been in the neighbourhood of Killarney specimens of the arbutus thirty feet high and four feet and a half round. See the Philosophical Transactions, 227.

FN 124 In a very full account of the British isles published at Nuremberg in 1690 Kerry is described as "an vielen Orten unwegsam und voller Wilder and Geburge." Wolves still infested Ireland. "Kein schadlich Thier ist da, ausserhalb Wolff and Fuchse." So late as the year 1710 money was levied on presentments of the Grand Jury of Kerry for the destruction of wolves in that county. See Smith's Ancient and Modern State of the County of Kerry, 1756. I do not know that Ihave ever met with a better book of the kind and of the size. In a poem published as late as 1719, and entitled Macdermot, or the Irish Fortune Hunter, in six cantos, wolfhunting and wolfspearing are represented as common sports in Munster. In William's reign Ireland was sometimes called by the nickname of Wolfland. Thus in a poem on the battle of La Vogue, called Advice to a Painter, the terror of the Irish army is thus described "A chilling damp And Wolfland howl runs thro' the rising camp."FN 125 Smith's Ancient and Modern State of Kerry.

FN 126 Exact Relation of the Persecutions, Robberies, and Losses, sustained by the Protestants of Killmare in Ireland, 1689;Smith's Ancient and Modern State of Kerry, 1756.

FN 127 Ireland's Lamentation, licensed May 18. 1689.

FN 128 A True Relation of the Actions of the Inniskilling men, by Andrew Hamilton, Rector of Kilskerrie, and one of the Prebends of the Diocese of Clogher, an Eyewitness thereof and Actor therein, licensed Jan. 15. 1689/90; A Further Impartial Account of the Actions of the Inniskilling men, by Captain William Mac Cormick, one of the first that took up Arms, 1691.

FN 129 Hamilton's True Relation; Mac Cormick's Further Impartial Account.

FN 130 Concise View of the Irish Society, 1822; Mr. Heath's interesting Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, Appendix 17.

FN 131 The Interest of England in the preservation of Ireland, licensed July 17. 1689.

FN 132 These things I observed or learned on the spot.

FN 133 The best account that I have seen of what passed at Londonderry during the war which began in 1641 is in Dr. Reid's History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

FN 134 The Interest of England in the Preservation of Ireland;1689.

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