
第507章 CHAPTER X(46)

FN 69 The meditation hears date 1685/6. Bonrepaux, in his despatch of the same day, says, "L'intrigue avoit ete conduite par Milord Rochester et sa femme. . . . Leur projet etoit de faire gouverner le Roy d'Angleterre par la nouvelle comtesse. Ils s'etoient assures d'elle." While Bonrepaux was writing thus, Rochester was writing as follows: "Oh God, teach me so to number my days that I may apply my heart unto wisdom. Teach me to number the days that I have spent in vanity and idleness, and teach me to number those that I have spent in sin and wickedness. Oh God, teach me to number the days of my affliction too, and to give thanks for all that is come to me from thy hand. Teach me likewise to number the days of this world's greatness, of which Ihave so great a share; and teach me to look upon them as vanity and vexation of spirit."FN 70 "Je vis Milord Rochester comme il sortoit de conseil fort chagrin; et, sur la fin du souper, il lui en echappe quelque chose." Bonrepaux, Feb. 18/28. 1656. See also Barillon, March 1/11, 4/14.

FN 71 Barillon March 22/April 1, April 12.22 1686.

FN 72 London Gazette, Feb. 11. 1685/6; Luttrell's Diary, Feb. 8;Leeuwen, Feb. 9/19.; Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 75.

Orig. Mem.

FN 73 Leeuwen, Feb 23/Mar 5. 1686.

FN 74 Barillon, April 26/May 6. May 3/13. i686; Citters, May 7/17; Evelyn's Diary, May 5.; Luttrell's Diary of the same date;Privy Council Book, May 2.

FN 75 Lady Russell to Dr. Fitzwilliam, Jan. 22. 1686; Barillon, Feb 22/Mar 4 1686. "Ce prince temoigne," says Barillon, "une grande aversion pour eux, et aurait bien voulu se dispenser de la collecte, qui est ordonnee en leur faveur: mais il n'a pas cru que cela fut possible."FN 76 Barillon, Feb 22/ Mar 4. 1686.

FN 77 Account of the commissioners, dated March 15. 1688.

FN 78 "Le Roi d'Angleterre connait bien que les gens mal intentionnes pour lui sont les plus prompts et les plus disposes a donner considerablement. . . . Sa Majeste Britannique connoit bien qu'il auroit a propos de ne point ordonner de collecte, et que les gens mal intentionnes contre la religion Catholique et contre lui se servent de cette occasion pour temoigner leur zele."--Barillon, April 19/29 1686.

FN 79 Barillon, Feb 15/25 Feb 22/Mar 4. April 19/29, Lewis to Barillon Mar 5/15.

FN 80 Barillon, April 19/29. 1686; Lady Russell to Dr.

Fitzwilliam, April 14. "He sent away many," she says "with sad hearts."FN 81 London Gazette of May 13. 1686.

FN 82 Reresby's Memoirs; Eachard, iii. 797.; Kennet, iii. 451.

FN 83 London Gazette, April 22. and 29. i686; Barillon, April 19/29.; Evelyn's Diary, June 2.; Luttrell, June 8.; Dodd's Church History.

FN 84 North's Life of Guildford, 288.

FN 85 Reresby's Memoirs.

FN 86 See the account of the case in the Collection of State Trials; Citters, May 4/14., June 22/July 2 1686; Evelyn's Diary, June 27.; Luttrell's Diary, June 25. As to Street, see Clarendon's Diary, Dec. 27. 1688.

FN 87 London Gazette, July 19. 1686.

FN 88 See the letters patent in Gutch's Collectanca Curiosa. The date is the 3d of May, 1686. Sclater's Consensus Veterum; Gee's reply, entitled Veteres Vindicati; Dr. Anthony Horneck's account of Mr. Sclater's recantation of the errors of Popery on the 5th of May, 1689; Dodd's Church History, part viii. book ii. art. 3.

FN 89 Gutch's Collectanea Curiosa; Dodd, viii. ii. 3.; Wood, Ath.

Ox.; Ellis Correspondence, Feb. 27. 1686; Commons' Journals, Oct.

26. 1689.

FN 90 Gutch's Collectanea Curiosa; Wood's Athenae Oxonienses;Dialogue between a Churchman and a Dissenter, 1689.

FN 91 Adda, July 9/19 1686.

FN 92 Adda, July 30/Aug 9 1686.

FN 93 "Ce prince m'a dit que Dieu avoit permie que toutes les loix qui ont ete faites pour etablir la religion Protestante, et detruire la religion Catholique, servent presentement de fondement ce qu'il veut faire pour l'etablissement de la vraie religion, et le mettent en droit d'exercer un pouvoir encore plus grand que celui qu'ont les role Catholiques sur les affaires ecclesiastiques dans les autres pays."--Barillon, July 12/22.

1686. To Adda His Majesty said, a few days later, "Che l'autorita concessale dal parlamento sopra l'Ecclesiastico senza alcun limite con fine contrario fosse adesso per servire al vantaggio de' medesimi Cattolici." July 23/Aug 2.

FN 94 The whole question is lucidly and unanswerably argued in a little contemporary tract, entitled "The King's Power in Matters Ecclesiastical fairly stated." See also a concise but forcible argument by Archbishop Sancroft. Doyly's Life of Sancroft, i.


FN 95 Letter from James to Clarendon, Feb. 18. 1685/6.

FN 96 The best account of these transactions is in the Life of Sharp, by his son. Citters, June 29/July 9 1686.

FN 97 Barillon, July 21/Aug 1 1686. Citters, July 16/26; Privy Council Book, July 17. ; Ellis Correspondence, July 17.; Evelyn's Diary, July 14.; Luttrell's Diary, Aug. 5, 6.

FN 98 The device was a rose and crown. Before the device was the initial letter of the Sovereign's name; after it the letter R.

Round the seal was this inscription, "Sigillum commissariorum regiae majestatis ad causas ecclesiasticas."FN 99 Appendix to Clarendon's Diary; Citters, Oct. 8/18 1686;Barillon, Oct. 11/21; Doyly's Life of Sancroft.

FN 100 Burnet, i. 676.

FN 101 Burnet, i. 675. ii. 629.; Sprat's Letters to Dorset.

FN 102 Burnet, i. 677.; Barillon, Sept. 6/16. 1686. The public proceedings are in the Collection of State Trials.

FN 103 27 Eliz. c. 2.; 2 Jac. I. c. 4; 3 Jac. I. c. 5.

FN 104 Clarke's Life of James the Second, ii. 79, 80. Orig. Mem, FN 105 De Augmentis i. vi. 4.

FN 106 Citters, May 14/24 1686.

FN 107 Citters. May 18/28 1686. Adda, May 19/29FN 108 Ellis Correspondence, April 27. 1686; Barillon, April 19/29 Citters, April 20/30; Privy Council Book, March 26;Luttrell's Diary; Adda Feb 26/Mar 8 March 26/April 5, April 2/12April 23/May 3.

FN 109 Burnet's Travels.

FN 110 Barillon, May 27/June 6 1686.

FN 111 Citters, May 23/June 1 1686.

FN 112 Ellis Correspondence, June 26. 1686; Citters, July 2/12Luttrell's Diary, July 19.

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