
第435章 CHAPTER IX(32)

Nevertheless it would, in his judgment, be for his service and for their own honour that they should publicly vindicate themselves. He therefore required them to draw up a paper setting forth their abhorrence of the Prince's design. They remained silent: their silence was supposed to imply consent; and they were suffered to withdraw.501Meanwhile the fleet of William was on the German Ocean. It was on the evening of Thursday the first of November that he put to sea the second time. The wind blew fresh from the east. The armament, during twelve hours, held a course towards the north west. The light vessels sent out by the English Admiral for the purpose of obtaining intelligence brought back news which confirmed the prevailing opinion that the enemy would try to land in Yorkshire.

All at once, on a signal from the Prince's ship, the whole fleet tacked, and made sail for the British Channel. The same breeze which favoured the voyage of the invaders prevented Dartmouth from coming out of the Thames. His ships were forced to strike yards and topmasts; and two of his frigates, which had gained the open sea, were shattered by the violence of the weather and driven back into the river.502The Dutch fleet ran fast before the gale, and reached the Straits at about ten in the morning of Saturday the third of November.

William himself, in the Brill, led the way. More than six hundred vessels, with canvass spread to a favourable wind, followed in his train. The transports were in the centre. The men of war, more than fifty in number, formed an outer rampart. Herbert, with the title of Lieutenant Admiral General, commanded the whole fleet. His post was in the rear, and many English sailors, inflamed against Popery, and attracted by high pay, served under him. It was not without great difficulty that the Prince had prevailed on some Dutch officers of high reputation to submit to the authority of a stranger. But the arrangement was eminently judicious. There was, in the King's fleet, much discontent and an ardent zeal for the Protestant faith. But within the memory of old mariners the Dutch and English navies had thrice, with heroic spirit and various fortune, contended for the empire of the sea.

Our sailors had not forgotten the broom with which Tromp had threatened to sweep the Channel, or the fire which De Ruyter had lighted in the dockyards of the Medway. Had the rival nations been once more brought face to face on the element of which both claimed the sovereignty, all other thoughts might have given place to mutual animosity. A bloody and obstinate battle might have been fought. Defeat would have been fatal to William's enterprise. Even victory would have deranged all his deeply meditated schemes of policy. He therefore wisely determined that the pursuers, if they overtook him, should be hailed in their own mother tongue, and adjured, by an admiral under whom they had served, and whom they esteemed, not to fight against old mess-mates for Popish tyranny. Such an appeal might possibly avert a conflict. If a conflict took place, one English commander would be opposed to another; nor would the pride of the islanders be wounded by learning that Dartmouth had been compelled to strike to Herbert.503Happily William's precautions were not necessary. Soon after midday he passed the Straits. His fleet spread to within a league of Dover on the north and of Calais on the south. The men of war on the extreme right and left saluted both fortresses at once.

The troops appeared under arms on the decks. The flourish of trumpets, the clash of cymbals, and the rolling of drums were distinctly heard at once on the English and French shores. An innumerable company of gazers blackened the white beach of Kent.

  • 根本说一切有部毗奈耶破僧事


  • 游称心寺


  • 技击余闻


  • 首楞严经疏


  • 寄荆娘写真


  • 神武天承


  • 哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    哪有什么运气 不过是我们暗自努力

    本书精选了畅销书作家陈昂200余首新诗,共分为“那年初见 如花美眷”“文艺腮红 不语不言”“往事如烟 浅笑而安”“余生很长 何必慌忙”等十一个专辑。这些诗歌既有清新唯美的“抒情哲理诗”,也有朦胧精湛的“截句诗”。诗歌主题积极向上,昂扬而又超脱。陈昂的写作笔法清新、精炼,简短的语言呈现多维的立体感。陈昂的创作是“青春期写作(春草派风格)”,他的每一首诗都有大方简单而内涵唯美的外衣,静静品味会发现诗的本质与内涵,领悟到诗歌底蕴里蕴含的“家国情怀”和对“宇宙”对“人生”的思考。这些诗歌里潜伏的“正能量”正是我们洗涤灵魂、陶冶情操、慰藉心灵的“刚需”,特别适合生活中迷茫的年轻人阅读。
  • 予此生


    一条直线和一条曲线有了交点,却又错开,他们还会再重逢吗? 如果还在17的年纪,沈卿屿肯定说:“不会。”但当他遇见时浅笙后,他说:“把‘不会’变成‘会’的过程很难,但我可以做到!”下雪的冬季。高中时期,沈卿屿总喜欢捂住时浅笙冻红了的耳朵,一边责备:“你是笨蛋吗?心疼死我了!”大学时期,沈卿屿总喜欢把自己的手,伸进时浅笙的袖子里,取暖!不仅如此他还振振有词:“我的人,我牵着有什么问题吗?”后来,在娱乐圈闪闪发光的他们,对着镜头,沈卿屿把时浅笙拥入怀中,亲吻着她的秀发,霸道宣言:“你这一辈子只能属于我。”
  • 情到刻骨,原来如此


  • 尊重这个不可思议的世界


  • 拂晓


  • 52赫兹的回声


  • 不可思议的冒险旅程


  • 惊鸿一生


  • 最精彩的成长故事全集

