
第255章 CHAPTER V(61)

298 Penn's visits to Whitehall, and levees at Kensington, are described with great vivacity, though in very bad Latin, by Gerard Croese. "Sumebat," he says, "rex s鎝e secretum, non horarium, vero horarum plurium, in quo de variis rebus cum Penno serio sermonem conferebat, et interim differebat audire pr鎐ipuorum nobilium ordinem, qui hoc interim spatio in procone, in proximo, regem conventum pr鎠to erant." Of the crowd of suitors at Penn's house. Croese says, "Visi quandoquo de hoc genere hominum non minus bis centum."--Historia Quakeriana, lib. ii. 1695.

299 "Twenty thousand into my pocket; and a hundred thousand into my province." Penn's Letter to Popple."300 These orders, signed by Sunderland, will be found in Sewel's History. They bear date April 18, 1685. They are written in a style singularly obscure and intricate: but I think that I have exhibited the meaning correctly. I have not been able to find any proof that any person, not a Roman Catholic or a Quaker, regained his freedom under these orders. See Neal's History of the Puritans, vol. ii. chap. ii.; Gerard Croese, lib. ii. Croese estimates the number of Quakers liberated at fourteen hundred and sixty.

301 Barillon, May 28,/June 7, 1685. Observator, May 27, 1685;Sir J. Reresby's Memoirs.

302 Lewis wrote to Barillon about this class of Exclusionists as follows: "L'interet qu'ils auront a effacer cette tache par des services considerables les portera, aelon toutes les apparences, a le servir plus utilement que ne pourraient faire ceux qui ont toujours ete les plus attaches a sa personne." May 15-25,1685.

303 Barillon, May 4-14, 1685; Sir John Reresby's Memoirs.

304 Burnet, i. 626; Evelyn's Diary, May, 22, 1685.

305 Roger North's Life of Guildford, 218; Bramston's Memoirs.

306 North's Life of Guildford, 228; News from Westminster.

307 Burnet, i. 382; Letter from Lord Conway to Sir George Rawdon, Dec. 28, 1677. in the Rawdon Papers.

308 London Gazette, May 25, 1685; Evelyn's Diary, May 22, 1685.

309 North's Life of Guildford, 256.

310 Burnet, i. 639; Evelyn's Diary, May 22, 1685; Barillon, May 23,/June 2, and May 25,/June 4, 1685 The silence of the journals perplexed Mr. Fox ; but it is explained by the circumstance that Seymour's motion was not seconded.

311 Journals, May 22. Stat. Jac. II. i. 1.

312 Journals, May 26, 27. Sir J. Reresby's Memoirs.

313 Commons' Journals, May 27, 1685.

314 Roger North's Life of Sir Dudley North; Life of Lord GuiIford, 166; Mr M'Cullough's Literature of Political Economy.

315 Life of Dudley North, 176, Lonsdale's Memoirs, Van Citters, June 12-22, 1685.

316 Commons' Journals, March 1, 1689.

317 Lords' Journals, March 18, 19, 1679, May 22, 1685.

318 Stat. 5 Geo. IV. c. 46.

319 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, book xiv.; Burnet's Own Times, i. 546, 625; Wade's and Ireton's Narratives, Lansdowne MS. 1152; West's information in the Appendix to Sprat's True Account.

320 London Gazette, January, 4, 1684-5; Ferguson MS. in Eachard's History, iii. 764; Grey's Narratives; Sprat's True Account, Danvers's Treatise on Baptism; Danvers's Innocency and Truth vindicated; Crosby's History of the English Baptists.

321 Sprat's True Account; Burnet, i. 634; Wade's Confession, Earl. MS. 6845.

Lord Howard of Escrick accused Ayloffe of proposing to assassinate the Duke of York; but Lord Howard was an abject liar;and this story was not part of his original confession, but was added afterwards by way of supplement, and therefore deserves no credit whatever.

322 Wade's Confession, Harl. MS. 6845; Lansdowne MS. 1152;Holloway's narrative in the Appendix to Sprat's True Account.

Wade owned that Holloway had told nothing but truth.

323 Sprat's True Account and Appendix, passim.

324 Sprat's True Account and Appendix, Proceedings against Rumbold in the Collection of State Trials; Burnet's Own Times, i.

633; Appendix to Fox's History, No. IV.

325 Grey's narrative; his trial in the Collection of State Trials; Sprat's True Account.

326 In the Pepysian Collection is a print representing one of the balls which About this time William and Mary gave in the Oranje Zaal.

327 Avaux Neg. January 25, 1685. Letter from James to the Princess of Orange dated January 1684-5, among Birch's Extracts in the British Museum.

328 Grey's Narrative; Wade's Confession, Lansdowne MS. 1152.

329 Burnet, i. 542; Wood, Ath. Ox. under the name of Owen;Absalom and Achtophel, part ii.; Eachard, iii. 682, 697; Sprat's True Account, passim; Lond. Gaz. Aug. 6,1683; Nonconformist's Memorial; North's Examen, 399.

330 Wade's Confession, Harl. MS. 6845.

331 Avaux Neg. Feb. 20, 22, 1685; Monmouth's letter to James from Ringwood.

332 Boyer's History of King William the Third, 2d edition, 1703, vol. i 160.

333 Welwood's Memoirs, App. xv.; Burnet, i. 530. Grey told a somewhat different story, but he told it to save his life. The Spanish ambassador at the English court, Don Pedro de Ronquillo, in a letter to the governor of the Low Countries written about this time, sneers at Monmouth for living on the bounty of a fond woman, and hints a very unfounded suspicion that the Duke's passion was altogether interested. "HaIIandose hoy tan falto de medios que ha menester trasformarse en Amor con Miledi en vista de la ecesidad de poder subsistir."--Ronquillo to Grana. Mar.

30,/Apr. 9, 1685.

334 Proceedings against Argyle in the Collection of State Trials, Burnet, i 521; A True and Plain Account of the Discoveries made in Scotland, 1684, The Scotch Mist Cleared; Sir George Mackenzie's Vindication, Lord Fountainhall's Chronological Notes.

335 Information of Robert Smith in the Appendix to Sprat's True Account.

336 True and Plain Account of the Discoveries made in Scotland.

337 Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio, lib. ii. cap.


338 See Sir Patrick Hume's Narrative, passim.

339 Grey's Narrative; Wade's Confession, Harl. MS. 6845.

340 Burnet, i. 631.

341 Grey's Narrative.

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