
第176章 CHAPTER IV(14)

It galled his soul to think that the kingdom which he ruled was of far less account in the world than many states which possessed smaller natural advantages; and he listened eagerly to foreign ministers when they urged him to assert the dignity of his rank, to place himself at the head of a great confederacy, to become the protector of injured nations, and to tame the pride of that power which held the Continent in awe. Such exhortations made his heart swell with emotions unknown to his careless and effeminate brother. But those emotions were soon subdued by a stronger feeling. A vigorous foreign policy necessarily implied a conciliatory domestic policy. It was impossible at once to confront the might of France and to trample on the liberties of England. The executive government could undertake nothing great without the support of the Commons, and could obtain their support only by acting in conformity with their opinion. Thus James found that the two things which he most desired could not be enjoyed together. His second wish was to be feared and respected abroad. But his first wish was to be absolute master at home. Between the incompatible objects on which his heart was set he, for a time, went irresolutely to and fro. The conflict in his own breast gave to his public acts a strange appearance of indecision and insincerity. Those who, without the clue, attempted to explore the maze of his politics were unable to understand how the same man could be, in the same week, so haughty and so mean. Even Lewis was perplexed by the vagaries of an ally who passed, in a few hours, from homage to defiance, and from defiance to homage. Yet, now that the whole conduct of James is before us, this inconsistency seems to admit of a simple explanation.

At the moment of his accession he was in doubt whether the kingdom would peaceably submit to his authority. The Exclusionists, lately so powerful, might rise in arms against him. He might be in great need of French money and French troops.

He was therefore, during some days, content to be a sycophant and a mendicant. He humbly apologised for daring to call his Parliament together without the consent of the French government.

He begged hard for a French subsidy. He wept with joy over the French bills of exchange. He sent to Versailles a special embassy charged with assurances of his gratitude, attachment, and submission. But scarcely had the embassy departed when his feelings underwent a change. He had been everywhere proclaimed without one riot, without one seditions outcry. From all corners of the island he received intelligence that his subjects were tranquil and obedient. His spirit rose. The degrading relation in which he stood to a foreign power seemed intolerable. He became proud, punctilious, boastful, quarrelsome. He held such high language about the dignity of his crown and the balance of power that his whole court fully expected a complete revolution in the foreign politics of the realm. He commanded Churchill to send home a minute report of the ceremonial of Versailles, in order that the honours with which the English embassy was received there might be repaid, and not more than repaid, to the representative of France at Whitehall. The news of this change was received with delight at Madrid, Vienna, and the Hague.249Lewis was at first merely diverted. "My good ally talks big," he said; "but he is as fond of my pistoles as ever his brother was."Soon, however, the altered demeanour of James, and the hopes with which that demeanour inspired both the branches of the House of Austria, began to call for more serious notice. A remarkable letter is still extant, in which the French King intimated a strong suspicion that he had been duped, and that the very money which he had sent to Westminster would be employed against him.250By this time England had recovered from the sadness and anxiety caused by the death of the goodnatured Charles. The Tories were loud in professions of attachment to their new master. The hatred of the Whigs was kept down by fear. That great mass which is not steadily Whig or Tory, but which inclines alternately to Whiggism and to Toryism, was still on the Tory side. The reaction which had followed the dissolution of the 0xford parliament had not yet spent its force.

  • 重生佞臣


  • 枭爷,你老婆超甜!


    【已完结】推荐新文:大佬你亲妈又黑化了 宫家枭爷俊美无俦,平生所喜只有三件,冒险,养熊,惯老婆!云家臻儿容貌倾城,平生所喜也只有三件,治顽疾,斗继母,坑宫枭!初遇云臻,这女人真笨!再遇云臻,这女人有点儿意思!现在,这女人只能属于他!外人眼中,枭爷清冷孤傲,腹黑矜贵,是生人勿近的高岭之花。云臻眼中,枭爷苏话连篇,惯无底线,是长在柠檬树上的醋坛子。宫枭:我老婆是我的!只能被我惯着!其他男人统统走开!云臻满头黑线:别人就算了,你怎么连我舅的醋都吃啊喂!云臻:枭爷,大家都在吐槽你,逃不过真香定律。宫枭配合一笑:嗯,真香!
  • 南风知我意——蒹葭


  • 幼科推拿秘书


  • 小小浪江湖


  • 霍普的奇幻之旅


  • 比桃非野


  • 混世阳云传


    混世纪年七百一十年在一个平行宇宙,一颗比地球大三倍的行星-绿星!这颗星球上存在各类异族,神明,妖魔,他们发生着许许多多的故事,爱恨情仇,种族纠纷,有纠纷就有冲突,有冲突引发战争,数以千年的战争破坏,引发星球岌岌可危。上古战神青穆为了阻止无休止战火损害所在家园,以自身强大的能力感化世界的行动殉身为法阻止了各族各国的残杀,颁布天法之共存法,约束各族争斗。此后万灵得以休养生息,许多族群帝国开始友好往来,但是战神青穆因此而陨落,用自己的牺牲换来世界百年和平。 虽然共存法约束着各族几百年,但是大大小小的战斗还是会出现。 由青穆组建的绿法教会慢慢明白各族各国接纳共存法不是那么容易,种族歧视还是会存在。不过青穆交代要保护绿星,他们依然努力着。现在各族间不引发核级别破坏力,绿法教会就不会插手。也是绿法教会想明白了,要打可以,但必需有限制。 三百年后一位象征着太阳的神明,我们的主人公在南屿大陆伴随红雷降临,成为凡人的杨云将重新面临动荡的世界。
  • 酷乐青春


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。