

"You hear!" Herr Paul said, violently sarcastic: "nothing she could have prevented! Enfin,! Will you please tell me what I am to do?""Men of the world"--whose philosophy is a creature of circumstance and accepted things--find any deviation from the path of their convictions dangerous, shocking, and an intolerable bore.Herr Paul had spent his life laughing at convictions; the matter had but to touch him personally, and the tap of laughter was turned off.That any one to whom he was the lawful guardian should marry other than a well-groomed man, properly endowed with goods, properly selected, was beyond expression horrid.From his point of view he had great excuse for horror; and he was naturally unable to judge whether he had excuse for horror from other points of view.His amazement had in it a spice of the pathetic; he was like a child in the presence of a thing that he absolutely could not understand.The interview had left him with a sense of insecurity which he felt to be particularly unfair.

The door was again opened, and Greta flew in, her cheeks flushed, her hair floating behind her, and tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Papa!" she cried, "you have been cruel to Chris.The door is locked; I can hear her crying--why have you been cruel?" Without waiting to be answered, she flew out again.

Herr Paul seized his hair with both his hands: "Good! Very good! My own child, please! What next then?"Mrs.Decie rose from her chair languidly."My head is very bad," she said, shading her eyes and speaking in low tones: "It is no use making a fuss--nothing can come of this--he has not a penny.

Christian will have nothing till you die, which will not be for a long time yet, if you can but avoid an apoplectic fit!"At these last words Herr Paul gave a start of real disgust."Hum!"he muttered; it was as if the world were bent on being brutal to him.

Mrs.Decie continued:

"If I know anything of this young man, he will not come here again, after the words you have spoken.As for Christian--you had better talk to Nicholas.I am going to lie down."Herr Paul nervously fingered the shirt-collar round his stout, short neck.

"Nicholas! Certainly--a good idea.Quelle diable d'afaire!"'French!' thought Mrs.Decie; 'we shall soon have peace.Poor Christian! I'm sorry! After all, these things are a matter of time and opportunity.' This consoled her a good deal.

But for Christian the hours were a long nightmare of grief and shame, fear and anger.Would he forgive? Would he be true to her? Or would he go away without a word? Since yesterday it was as if she had stepped into another world, and lost it again.In place of that new feeling, intoxicating as wine, what was coming? What bitter;dreadful ending?

A rude entrance this into the life of facts, and primitive emotions!

She let Greta into her room after a time, for the child had begun sobbing; but she would not talk, and sat hour after hour at the window with the air fanning her face, and the pain in her eyes turned to the sky and trees.After one or two attempts at consolation, Greta sank on the floor, and remained there, humbly gazing at her sister in a silence only broken when Christian cleared her throat of tears, and by the song of birds in the garden.In the afternoon she slipped away and did not come back again.

After his interview with Mr.Treffry, Herr Paul took a bath, perfumed himself with precision, and caused it to be clearly understood that, under circumstances such as these, a man's house was not suited for a pig to live in.He shortly afterwards went out to the Kurbaus, and had not returned by dinner-time.

Christian came down for dinner.There were crimson spots in her cheeks, dark circles round her eyes; she behaved, however, as though nothing had happened.Miss Naylor, affected by the kindness of her heart and the shock her system had sustained, rolled a number of bread pills, looking at each as it came, with an air of surprise, and concealing it with difficulty.Mr.Treffry was coughing, and when he talked his voice seemed to rumble even more than usual.Greta was dumb, trying to catch Christian's eye; Mrs.Decie alone seemed at ease.After dinner Mr.Treffry went off to his room, leaning heavily on Christian's shoulder.As he sank into his chair, he said to her:

"Pull yourself together, my dear!" Christian did not answer him.

Outside his room Greta caught her by the sleeve.

"Look!" she whispered, thrusting a piece of paper into Christian's hand."It is to me from Dr.Edmund, but you must read it."Christian opened the note, which ran as follows:

"MY PHILOSOPHER AND FRIEND,--I received your note, and went to our friend's studio; he was not in, but half an hour ago I stumbled on him in the Platz.He is not quite himself; has had a touch of the sun--nothing serious: I took him to my hotel, where he is in bed.If he will stay there he will be all right in a day or two.In any case he shall not elude my clutches for the present.

"My warm respects to Mistress Christian.--Yours in friendship and philosophy,EDMUND DAWNEY."Christian read and re-read this note, then turned to Greta.

"What did you say to Dr.Dawney?"

Greta took back the piece of paper, and replied: " I said:

"'DEAR DR.EDMUND,--We are anxious about Herr Harz.We think he is perhaps not very well to-day.We (I and Christian) should like to know.You can tell us.Please shall you? GRETA.'

"That is what I said."

Christian dropped her eyes."What made you write?"Greta gazed at her mournfully: "I thought--O Chris! come into the garden.I am so hot, and it is so dull without you!"Christian bent her head forward and rubbed her cheek against Greta's, then without another word ran upstairs and locked herself into her room.The child stood listening; hearing the key turn in the lock, she sank down on the bottom step and took Scruff in her arms.

Half an hour later Miss Naylor, carrying a candle, found her there fast asleep, with her head resting on the terrier's back, and tear stains on her cheeks....

  • 大洞玉经


  • 竹窗随笔


  • 佛说大三摩惹经


  • 拔一切业障根本得生净土神咒




  • 月牙泉


  • 神江湖之桃之夭夭


  • 晨王娇宠卧底妃


  • 一念一诺,一世情深


  • 破解企业人力资源风险


  • 拐个皇后去讨饭


  • 风格迥异的亚非奇迹


  • 矮子当道(同名美剧原著)


    同名美剧《矮子当道(Get Shorty)》原著小说。似乎厌倦了自己的身份,但又不知道还能怎么办。被卡在那里动弹不得,却只能默默忍受生活。这是收债人奇力的困境,似乎也是大多数人的困境。就像有些人半点也不关心他们的工作,但说到底也没有其他地方可以去。突然,有一天,机会来了。这一次他向一个电影制片人讨债,就此踏足充满魅力的电影圈。去他的债主老板,他早就厌倦了追钱讨债的无聊工作。拿上讨来的债款,他自己就是一个让人咋舌的好故事,他要把自己的反抗拍成电影。于是,一场造梦与追逐的闹剧,展开了。
  • 娆荼


  • 快穿之江山美人碗里来

