

"Gettin' along!" he repeated."He's gettin' along the way a squid swims, and that's backwards.And, if you asked me, I'd say the longer he stayed the further back he'd get.""Sho! then he did turn out to be a leak instead of an able seaman, eh?""A leak! Gracious king! He's like a torpedo blow-up under the engine-room.The bank'll sink if he stays aboard another month, Ido believe.And yet," he added, with a shake of the head, "I don't see but he'll have to stay; there ain't another available candidate for the job in sight.I 'phoned up to Boston and some of our friends are lookin' around up there, but so far they haven't had any success.This war is makin' young men scarce, that is young men that are good for much.Pretty soon it'll get so that a healthy young feller who ain't in uniform will feel about as much out of place as a hog in a synagogue.Yes, sir! Ho, ho!"He laughed in huge enjoyment of his own joke.Jed stared dreamily at the adjusting screw on the handsaw.His hands clasped his knee, his foot was lifted from the floor and began to swing back and forth.

"Well," queried his friend, "what have you got on your mind? Out with it.""Eh?...On my mind?"

"Yes.When I see you begin to shut yourself together in the middle like a jackknife and start swinging that number eleven of yours Iknow you're thinkin' hard about somethin' or other.What is it this time?""Um...well...er...Sam, if you saw a chance to get a real smart young feller in Lute's place in the bank you'd take him, wouldn't you?""Would I? Would a cat eat lobster? Only show him to me, that's all!""Um-hm....Now of course you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt Lute.Not for the world I wouldn't.It's only if you AREgoin' to let him go--"

"IF I am.Either he'll have to let go or the bank will, one or t'other.United we sink, divided one of us may float, that's the way I look at it.Lute'll stay till we can locate somebody else to take his job, and no longer.""Ya-as....Um-hm....Well, I tell you, Sam: Don't you get anybody else till you and I have another talk.It may be possible that I could find you just the sort of young man you're lookin'


"Eh? YOU can find me one? YOU can? What are you givin' me, Jed?

Who is the young man; you?"

Jed gravely shook his head."No-o," he drawled."I hate to disappoint you, Sam, but it ain't me.It's another--er--smart, lively young feller.He ain't quite so old as I am; there's a little matter of twenty odd years between us, I believe, but otherwise than that he's all right.And he knows the bankin'

trade, so I'm told."

"Gracious king! Who is he? Where is he?""That I can't tell you just yet.But maybe I can by and by.""Tell me now."

"No-o.No, I just heard about him and it was told to me in secret.

All I can say is don't get anybody to fill Lute Small's place till you and I have another talk."Captain Sam stared keenly into his friend's face.Jed bore the scrutiny calmly; in fact he didn't seem to be aware of it.The captain gave it up.

"All right," he said."No use tryin' to pump you, I know that.

When you make up your mind to keep your mouth shut a feller couldn't open it with a cold chisel.I presume likely you'll tell in your own good time.Now if you'll scratch around and find those checks and things you want me to deposit for you I'll take 'em and be goin'.I'm in a little bit of a hurry this mornin'."Jed "scratched around," finally locating the checks and bills in the coffee pot on the shelf in his little kitchen.

"There!" he exclaimed, with satisfaction, "I knew I put 'em somewheres where they'd be safe and where I couldn't forget 'em.""Where you couldn't forget 'em! Why, you did forget 'em, didn't you?""Um...yes...I cal'late I did this mornin', but that's because I didn't make any coffee for breakfast.If I'd made coffee same as I usually do I'd have found 'em.""Why didn't you make coffee this mornin'?"Jed's eye twinkled.

"W-e-e-ll," he drawled, "to be honest with you, Sam, 'twas because I couldn't find the coffee pot.After I took it down to put this money in it I put it back on a different shelf.I just found it now by accident."As the captain was leaving Jed asked one more question."Sam," he asked, "about this bank job now? If you had a chance to get a bright, smart young man with experience in bank work, you'd hire him, wouldn't you?"Captain Hunniwell's answer was emphatic.

"You bet I would!" he declared."If I liked his looks and his references were good I'd hire him in two minutes.And salary, any reasonable salary, wouldn't part us, either....Eh? What makes you look like that?"For Jed's expression had changed; his hand moved across his chin.

"Eh--er--references?" he repeated.

"Why, why, of course.I'd want references from the folks he'd worked for, statin' that he was honest and capable and all that.

With those I'd hire him in two minutes, as I said.You fetch him along and see.So long, Jed.See you later."He hustled out, stopping to tear from the outer door the placard directing callers to call at Abijah Thompson's.Jed returned to his box and sat down once more to ponder.In his innocence it had not occurred to him that references would be required.

  • 道行般若波罗蜜经


  • 靖海纪事


  • 寄陕州王司马


  • 大法鼓经


  • 大般涅槃经-慧严


  • 别让求职卡在面试上


    面试是一件大事。能否得到喜欢的工作,能否进入心仪的企业,在很大程度上将影响你的事业,甚至一生。而成功的面试,则是这一切的开始。 本书正是以此为出发点,针对如何进行职业选择与规划,如何做好面试准备,如何提升个人形象力,如何表现良好的礼仪修养,如何灵活应对面试题,如何展示个人特质,以及如何更好地把握面试机会等面试问题进行了总结,并辅之以诸多面试案例以及名人名企用人观、招聘实例,为广大求职者提供了兼具理论性和实用性的面试指南。 无论你是求职“菜鸟”,还是职场“大虾”,我们都希望本书能够给予你指导和借鉴,帮助你克服面试时的畏惧和困惑,避免面试中的常见错误,有的放矢地提前准备,提高面试应对水平,在面试中更好地发挥,成功实现自己的求职梦想。
  • 莲城之仙殇


  • 公子桃花


  • 寂灭道主


  • 散文随笔篇(名人佳作)


  • 重生之奇异都市


  • 狂后乖乖让朕宠


  • 网游之阵傲九天


  • 那年三月三日


    意义?生死?无常罢了。无尽的远方,与你我,都无关。 (本文由五个人一同完成,短篇小说。)
  • 解压密码

