

His eyes met those of a heavy-built, coarse-featured man, the chewed end of a cigar in his mouth, who stepped from behind the bar, carrying a tin tray with two full glasses upon it.It was Bristol Bob, ex-pugilist, the proprietor.

"How're you, Larry?" grunted the man, with what he meant to be a smile.

Jimmie Dale was standing in the doorway of a passage that prefaced a rear exit to the lane.He moved aside to allow the other to pass.

"'Ello, Bristol," he returned dispassionately.

Bristol Bob went on along down the passage, and Jimmie Dale shuffled slowly after him.He had intended to leave the place by the rear door--it obviated the possibility of an undesirable acquaintance joining company with him if he went out by the main entrance.But now his eyes were fixed on the proprietor's back with a sort of speculative curiosity.There was a private room off the passage, with a window on the lane; but they must be favoured customers indeed that Bristol Bob would condescend to serve personally--any one who knew Bristol Bob knew that.

Jimmie Dale slowed his shuffling gait, then quickened it again.

Bristol Bob opened the door and passed into the private room--the door was just closing as Jimmie Dale shuffled by.He had had only a glance inside--but it was enough.They were favoured customers indeed! It was no wonder that Bristol Bob himself was on the job!

Two men were in the room: Lannigan of headquarters, rated the smartest plain-clothes man in the country--and, across the table from Lannigan, Whitey Mack, as clever, finished and daring a crook as was to be found in the Bad Lands, whose particular "line" was diamonds, or, in the vernacular of his ilk, "white stones," that had earned him the sobriquet of "Whitey." Lannigan of headquarters, Whitey Mack of the underworld, sworn enemies those two--in secret session! Bristol Bob might well play the part of outer guard.If a choice few of those outside in the dance hall could get a glimpse into that private room it would be "good-night" to Whitey Mack.

Jimmie Dale's eyes were narrowed a little as he shuffled on down the passage.Lannigan and Whitey Mack with their heads together! What was the game? There was nothing in common between the two men.

Lannigan, it was well known, could not be "reached." Whitey Mack, with his ingenious cleverness, coupled with a cold-blooded fearlessness that had made him an object of unholy awe and respect in the eyes of the underworld, was a thorn that was sore beyond measure in the side of the police.Certainly, it was no ordinary thing that had brought these two together; especially, since, with the unrest and suspicion that was bubbling and seething below the dead line, and with which there was none more intimate than Whitey Mack, Whitey Mack was inviting a risk in "making up" with the police that could only be accounted for by some urgent and vital incentive.

Jimmie Dale pushed open the door that gave on the lane.Behind him, Bristol Bob closed the door of the private room and retreated back along the passage.Jimmie Dale stepped out into the lane--and instinctively his eyes sought the window of the private room.The shade was drawn, only a yellow murk filtered out into the black, unlighted lane, but suddenly he started noiselessly toward it.The window was open a bare inch or so at the bottom!

The sill was just shoulder high, and, placing his ear to the opening, he flattened himself against the wall.He could not see inside, for the shade was drawn well to the bottom; but he could hear as distinctly as though he were at the table beside the two men--and at the first words, the loose, disjointed frame of Larry the Bat seemed to tauten curiously and strain forward lithe and tense.

"This Gray Seal dope listens good, Whitey; but, coming from you, I'm leery.You've got to show me.""Don't you want him?" There was a nasty laugh from Whitey Mack.

"You BET I want him!" returned the headquarters man with a suppressed savagery that left no doubt as to his earnestness."Iwant him fast enough, but--"

"Then, blast him, so do I!" Whitey Mack rapped out with a vicious snarl."So does every guy in the fleet down here.We got it in for him.You get that, don't you? He's got Stangeist and his gang steered for the electric chair now; he put a crimp in the Weasel the other night--get that? He's like a blasted wizard with what he knows.And who'll he deal the icy mitt to next? Me--damn him--me, for all I know!""That's all right," observed Lannigan coolly."I'm not questioning your sincerity for a minute; I know all about that; but that doesn't land the Gray Seal.I'll work with you if you've anything to offer, but we've had enough 'tips' and 'information' handed us at headquarters in the last few years to make us a trifle skeptical.

Show me what you've got, Whitey?"

"Show you! " echoed Whitey Mack passionately."Sure, I'll show you!

That's what I'm going to do--show you.I'll show you the Gray Seal!

I ain't handing you any tips.I'VE FOUND OUT WHO THE GRAY SEAL IS!"There was a tense silence.It seemed to Jimmie Dale as though cold fingers were clutching at his heart, stifling its beat--then the blood came bursting to his forehead.He could not see into the room, but that silence was eloquent.It seemed as though he could picture the two men--Lannigan leaning suddenly forward--Lannigan and Whitey Mack staring tensely into each other's eyes.

"You--WHAT!" It came low and grim from Lannigan.

"That's what!" asserted Whitey Mack bluntly."You heard me! That's what I said! I know who the Gray Seal is--and I'm the only guy that's wise to him.Am I letting you in right?""You're sure?" demanded Lannigan hoarsely."You're sure? Who is he, then?"There was a half laugh, half snarl from Whitey Mack.

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    罗贯中的《三国志通俗演义》成书于明初,清初毛纶、毛宗岗父子对三国演义的批注,包括伏笔,情节,使之成为迄今最流行的定本《三国演义》。 全书描写了从东汉末年到西晋初年之间近105年的历史风云,以描写战争为主,反映了东汉末年的群雄割据混战和魏、蜀、吴三国之间的政治和军事斗争,塑造了一批叱咤风云的三国英雄人物。《三国演义》的内涵是十分丰富的,囊括了中国古代政治、外交、兵法、权谋、道德观念、哲学、思想等方方面面的内容。尤其是书中描写的四十多次战争,场面波澜壮阔,鲜活生动,为后人提供了各种军事知识和战争经验。全书可大致分为黄巾起义、董卓之乱、群雄逐鹿、三国鼎立、三国归晋五大部分,犹如在历史广阔的历史上,上演了一幕幕气势磅礴的战争场面。作者罗贯中将兵法三十六计融于字里行间,既有情节,也有兵法韬略。
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