

"There's nothing for it," declared Landry, "but to go over and get the Clarke Street cars--and at that you may have to stand up all the way home, at this time of day."They paused, irresolute, a moment on the corner.It was the centre of the retail quarter.Close at hand a vast dry goods house, built in the old "iron-front"style, towered from the pavement, and through its hundreds of windows presented to view a world of stuffs and fabrics, upholsteries and textiles, kaleidoscopic, gleaming in the fierce brilliance of a multitude of lights.From each street doorway was pouring an army of "shoppers," women for the most part; and these--since the store catered to a rich clientele--fashionably dressed.Many of them stood for a moment on the threshold of the storm-doorways, turning up the collars of their sealskins, settling their hands in their muffs, and searching the street for their coupes and carriages.

Among the number of those thus engaged, one, suddenly catching sight of Laura, waved a muff in her direction, then came quickly forward.It was Mrs.Cressler.

"Laura, my dearest girl! Of all the people.I _am_ so glad to see you!" She kissed Laura on the cheek, shook hands all around, and asked about the sisters' new home.Did they want anything, or was there anything she could do to help? Then interrupting herself, and laying a glove on Laura's arm:

"I've got more to _tell_ you."

She compressed her lips and stood off from Laura, fixing her with a significant glance.

"Me? To tell me?"

"Where are you going now?"

"Home; but our cars are stopped.We must go over to----""Fiddlesticks! You and Page and Mrs.Wessels--all of you are coming home and dine with me.""But we've had dinner already," they all cried, speaking at once.

Page explained the situation, but Mrs.Cressler would not be denied.

"The carriage is right here," she said."I don't have to call for Charlie.He's got a man from Cincinnati in tow, and they are going to dine at the Calumet Club."It ended by the two sisters and Mrs.Wessels getting into Mrs.Cressler's carriage.Landry excused himself.

He lived on the South Side, on Michigan Avenue, and declaring that he knew they had had enough of him for one day, took himself off.

But whatever Mrs.Cressler had to tell Laura, she evidently was determined to save for her ears only.

Arrived at the Dearborns' home, she sent her footman in to tell the "girl" that the family would not be home that night.The Cresslers lived hard by on the same street, and within ten minutes' walk of the Dearborns.

The two sisters and their aunt would be back immediately after breakfast.

When they had got home with Mrs.Cressler, this latter suggested hot tea and sandwiches in the library, for the ride had been cold.But the others, worn out, declared for bed as soon as Mrs.Cressler herself had dined.

"Oh, bless you, Carrie," said Aunt Wess'; "I couldn't think of tea.My back is just about broken, and I'm going straight to my bed."Mrs.Cressler showed them to their rooms.Page and Mrs.Wessels elected to sleep together, and once the door had closed upon them the little girl unburdened herself.

"I suppose Laura thinks it's all right, running off like this for the whole blessed night, and no one to look after the house but those two servants that nobody knows anything about.As though there weren't heaven knows what all to tend to there in the morning.I just don't see," she exclaimed decisively, "how we're going to get settled at all.That Landry Court! My goodness, he's more hindrance than help.Did you ever _see!_ He just dashes in as though he were doing it all, and messes everything up, and loses things, and gets things into the wrong place, and forgets this and that, and then he and Laura sit down and spoon.I never saw anything like it.First it's Corthell and then Landry, and next it will be somebody else.Laura regularly mortifies me; a great, grown-up girl like that, flirting, and letting every man she meets think that he's just the one particular one of the whole earth.

It's not good form.And Landry--as if he didn't know we've got more to do now than just to dawdle and dawdle.I could slap him.I like to see a man take life seriously and try to amount to something, and not waste the best years of his life trailing after women who are old enough to be his grandmother, and don't mean that it will ever come to anything."In her room, in the front of the house, Laura was partly undressed when Mrs.Cressler knocked at her door.The latter had put on a wrapper of flowered silk, and her hair was bound in "invisible nets.""I brought you a dressing-gown," she said.She hung it over the foot of the bed, and sat down on the bed itself, watching Laura, who stood before the glass of the bureau, her head bent upon her breast, her hands busy with the back of her hair.From time to time the hairpins clicked as she laid them down in the silver trays close at hand.Then putting her chin in the air, she shook her head, and the great braids, unlooped, fell to her waist.

"What pretty hair you have, child," murmured Mrs.

Cressler.She was settling herself for a long talk with her protege.She had much to tell, but now that they had the whole night before them, could afford to take her time.

Between the two women the conversation began slowly, with detached phrases and observations that did not call necessarily for answers--mere beginnings that they did not care to follow up.

"They tell me," said Mrs.Cressler, "that that Gretry girl smokes ten cigarettes every night before she goes to bed.You know the Gretrys--they were at the opera the other night."Laura permitted herself an indefinite murmur of interest.Her head to one side, she drew the brush in slow, deliberate movements downward underneath the long, thick strands of her hair.Mrs.Cressler watched her attentively.

  • 宝宝的笨蛋妈咪


  • 天方夜谭(语文新课标课外必读第十辑)


  • 弄堂往事


  • 文字鬼才马伯庸奇想合集


    “文字鬼才”马伯庸大开脑洞作品系列,包括《长安十二时辰》《龙与地下铁》《三国机密》等三部作品。《长安十二时辰》突破真实与虚构界限,打造令人窒息的历史悬疑巨制,讲述大唐长安反恐24小时。《三国机密》逐页讲透三国权术、阴谋、密计; 逐字参透三国秘辛、诡诈、兵谋,参透现代人际关系与成功。《龙与地下铁》以光怪陆离的新颖设定,上古神兽与下世科技的碰撞,展现了热血少年与巨龙的奇幻大冒险。
  • 花落春仍在:20世纪前期中国的困境与新路


  • 你是我的总会遇见


    你知道吗?那些带着前世记忆的人,其实,只是保留了前世最不愿意忘记的回忆。 小剧场① 顾璞:你练过书法? 叶笺:练过,曹全碑。 顾璞笑:隶书。 叶笺:不好看吗? 顾璞:好看。 叶笺兴奋:你也练过? 顾璞:练过。狂草。 叶笺瞄了眼他看不出原型的签名,信以为真。 谁料,他蓦然一笑:逗你玩的。 小剧场② 谈起初见。叶笺:你知道我第一次见到你,是什么感觉吗?顾璞:?叶笺:你听过金莎的画中仙吗?顾璞:没有。叶笺红红脸,唱给他听。顾璞低头一笑:叶小姐,高考语文几分?你都是用美形容男人的?叶笺恼了。顾璞悠悠拉住她反问:那你知道我第一次见到你,是什么感觉吗?顾璞再笑:我当时很奇怪,怎么会有人,下雨天,还穿这么长的裙子。小剧场③ 叶笺:我知道,你身高188,体重130。 顾璞掩嘴告诉她:那些都是别人想象的,实际我只有187,135。 叶笺:…… 我害怕我们没有缘分,但你和我说,你是我的,总会遇见;但我觉得应该是:你是,我的总会遇见。双医生文。努力飘、认真色直球男主VS酥软强、皮薄馅温又瞎又不瞎女主一个关于寻找,守护,坚守的故事
  • 十四经发挥


  • 女帝之御孽重生


  • 佛华严入如来德智不思议境界经卷上


  • 为龙之道

