

In which D'Artagnan prepares to travel for the Firm of Planchet and Company.

D'Artagnan reflected to such good purpose during the night that his plan was settled by morning."This is it," said he, sitting up in bed, supporting his elbow on his knee, and his chin in his hand; -- "this is it.I shall seek out forty steady, firm men, recruited among people a little compromised, but having habits of discipline.I shall promise them five hundred livres for a month if they return, nothing if they do not return, or half for their kindred.As to food and lodging, that concerns the English, who have cattle in their pastures, bacon in their bacon-racks, fowls in their poultry-yards, and corn in their barns.I will present myself to General Monk with my little body of troops.He will receive me.I shall win his confidence, and take advantage of it, as soon as possible."But without going farther, D'Artagnan shook his head and interrupted himself."No," said he; "I should not dare to relate this to Athos; the way is therefore not honorable.Imust use violence," continued he, -- "very certainly I must, but without compromising my loyalty.With forty men I will traverse the country as a partisan.But if I fall in with, not forty thousand English, as Planchet said, but purely and simply with four hundred, I shall be beaten.Supposing that among my forty warriors there should be found at least ten stupid ones -- ten who will allow themselves to be killed one after the other, from mere folly? No; it is, in fact, impossible to find forty men to be depended upon -- they do not exist.I must learn how to be contented with thirty.

With ten men less I should have the right of avoiding any armed encounter, on account of the small number of my people; and if the encounter should take place, my chance is better with thirty men than forty.Besides, I should save five thousand francs; that is to say, the eighth of my capital; that is worth the trial.This being so, I should have thirty men.I shall divide them into three bands, -- we will spread ourselves about over the country, with an injunction to reunite at a given moment; in this fashion, ten by ten, we should excite no suspicion -- we should pass unperceived.Yes, yes, thirty -- that is a magic number.

There are three tens -- three, that divine number! And then, truly, a company of thirty men, when all together, will look rather imposing.Ah! stupid wretch that I am!" continued D'Artagnan, "I want thirty horses.That is ruinous.Where the devil was my head when I forgot the horses? We cannot, however, think of striking such a blow without horses.Well, so be it, that sacrifice must be made; we can get the horses in the country -- they are not bad, besides.But I forgot --peste! Three bands -- that necessitates three leaders; there is the difficulty.Of the three commanders I have already one -- that is myself; -- yes, but the two others will of themselves cost almost as much money as all the rest of the troop.No; positively I must have but one lieutenant.In that ease, then, I should reduce my troop to twenty men.Iknow very well that twenty men is but very little; but since with thirty I was determined not to seek to come to blows, Ishould do so more carefully still with twenty.Twenty --that is a round number; that, besides, reduces the number of the horses by ten, which is a consideration; and then, with a good lieutenant -- Mordioux! what things patience and calculation are! Was I not going to embark with forty men, and I have now reduced them to twenty for an equal success?

Ten thousand livres saved at one stroke, and more safety;that is well! Now, then, let us see; we have nothing to do but to find this lieutenant -- let him be found, then; and after -- That is not so easy; he must be brave and good, a second myself.Yes, but a lieutenant must have my secret, and as that secret is worth a million, and I shall only pay my man a thousand livres, fifteen hundred at the most, my man will sell the secret to Monk.Mordioux! no lieutenant.

Besides, this man, were he as mute as a disciple of Pythagoras, -- this man would be sure to have in the troop some favourite soldier, whom he would make his sergeant, the sergeant would penetrate the secret of the lieutenant, in case the latter should be honest and unwilling to sell it.

Then the sergeant, less honest and less ambitious, will give up the whole for fifty thousand livres.Come, come! that is impossible.The lieutenant is impossible.But then I must have no fractions; I cannot divide my troop into two, and act upon two points, at once, without another self, who --But what is the use of acting upon two points, as we have only one man to take? What can be the good of weakening a corps by placing the right here, and the left there? Asingle corps -- Mordioux! a single one, and that commanded by D'Artagnan.Very well.But twenty men marching in one band are suspected by everybody; twenty horsemen must not be seen marching together, or a company will be detached against them and the password will be required; the which company, upon seeing them embarrassed to give it, would shoot M.d'Artagnan and his men like so many rabbits.Ireduce myself then to ten men; in this fashion I shall act simply and with unity; I shall be forced to be prudent, which is half the success in an affair of the kind I am undertaking; a greater number might, perhaps, have drawn me into some folly.Ten horses are not many, either to buy or take.A capital idea; what tranquillity it infuses into my mind! no more suspicions -- no passwords -- no more dangers!

  • 观音玄义记


  • 道德经三帝注


  • 张苍水诗文集


  • 二十四诗品


  • Confidence


  • 伪装者之毒蜂你给我站住


  • 倾城醉月


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 邪少药王


  • 飘渺追寻


  • 巴菲特写给股东的投资年报


    林汶奎主编的《巴菲特写给股东的投资年报》记 录了投资大师巴菲特每年向股东们写的一份投资年报 。《巴菲特写给股东的投资年报》包括:巴菲特致 股东的信,探讨的主题涵盖管理、投资及评估等,将 从其中提炼出巴菲特精华的投资思想展现在读者面前 。
  • 长生文其三


  • 华庭叙


  • 二代白起


  • 鬼帝绝宠:皇叔你行不行

