

The Grandeur of the Bishop of Vannes.

Porthos and D'Artagnan had entered the bishop's residence by a private door, as his personal friends.Of course, Porthos served D'Artagnan as guide.The worthy baron comported himself everywhere rather as if he were at home.

Nevertheless, whether it was a tacit acknowledgment of the sanctity of the personage of Aramis and his character, or the habit of respecting him who imposed upon him morally, a worthy habit which had always made Porthos a model soldier and an excellent companion; for all these reasons, say we, Porthos preserved in the palace of His Greatness the Bishop of Vannes a sort of reserve which D'Artagnan remarked at once, in the attitude he took with respect to the valets and officers.And yet this reserve did not go so far as to prevent his asking questions.Porthos questioned.They learned that His Greatness had just returned to his apartment and was preparing to appear in familiar intimacy, less majestic than he had appeared with his flock.After a quarter of an hour, which D'Artagnan and Porthos passed in looking mutually at each other with the white of their eyes, and turning their thumbs in all the different evolutions which go from north to south, a door of the chamber opened and His Greatness appeared, dressed in the undress, complete, of a prelate.Aramis carried his head high, like a man accustomed to command: his violet robe was tucked up on one side, and his white hand was on his hip.He had retained the fine mustache, and the lengthened royale of the time of Louis XIII.He exhaled, on entering, that delicate perfume which, among elegant men and women of high fashion, never changes, and appears to be incorporated in the person, of whom it has become the natural emanation.In this case only, the perfume had retained something of the religious sublimity of incense.It no longer intoxicated, it penetrated; it no longer inspired desire, it inspired respect.Aramis, on entering the chamber did not hesitate an instant; and without pronouncing one word, which, whatever it might be, would have been cold on such an occasion, he went straight up to the musketeer, so well disguised under the costume of M.Agnan, and pressed him in his arms with a tenderness which the most distrustful could not have suspected of coldness or affectation.

D'Artagnan, on his part, embraced him with equal ardor.

Porthos pressed the delicate hand of Aramis in his immense hands, and D'Artagnan remarked that His Greatness gave him his left hand, probably from habit, seeing that Porthos already ten times had been near injuring his fingers covered with rings, by pounding his flesh in the vise of his fist.

Warned by the pain, Aramis was cautious, and only presented flesh to be bruised, and not fingers to be crushed, against gold or the angles of diamonds.

Between two embraces, Aramis looked D'Artagnan in the face, offered him a chair, sitting down himself in the shade, observing that the light fell full upon the face of his interlocutor.This maneuver, familiar to diplomatists and women, resembles much the advantage of the guard which, according to their skill or habit, combatants endeavor to take on the ground at a duel.D'Artagnan was not the dupe of this maneuver, but he did not appear to perceive it.He felt himself caught; but, precisely, because he was caught he felt himself on the road to discovery, and it little imported to him, old condottiere as he was, to be beaten in appearance, provided he drew from his pretended defeat the advantages of victory.Aramis began the conversation.

"Ah! dear friend! my good D'Artagnan," said he, "what an excellent chance!""It is a chance, my reverend companion," said D'Artagnan, "that I will call friendship.I seek you, as I always have sought you, when I had any grand enterprise to propose to you, or some hours of liberty to give you.""Ah! indeed," said Aramis, without explosion, "you have been seeking me?""Eh! yes, he has been seeking you, Aramis," said Porthos, "and the proof is that he has unharbored me at Belle-Isle.

That is amiable, is it not?"

"Ah! yes," said Aramis, "at Belle-Isle! certainly!""Good!" said D'Artagnan; "there is my booby Porthos, without thinking of it, has fired the first cannon of attack.""At Belle-Isle!" said Aramis, "in that hole, in that desert!

That is kind, indeed!"

"And it was I who told him you were at Vannes," continued Porthos, in the same tone.

D'Artagnan armed his mouth with a finesse almost ironical.

"Yes, I knew, but I was willing to see," replied he.

"To see what?"

"If our old friendship still held out, if, on seeing each other, our hearts, hardened as they are by age, would still let the old cry of joy escape, which salutes the coming of a friend.""Well, and you must have been satisfied," said Aramis.

"So, so."

"How is that?"

"Yes, Porthos said hush! and you ---- "

"Well! and I?"

"And you gave me your benediction."

"What would you have, my friend?" said Aramis, smiling;"that is the most precious thing that a poor prelate, like me, has to give.""Indeed, my dear friend!"


"And yet they say at Paris that the bishopric of Vannes is one of the best in France.""Ah! you are now speaking of temporal wealth," said Aramis, with a careless air.

"To be sure, I wish to speak of that; I hold by it, on my part.""In that case, let me speak of it," said Aramis, with a smile.

"You own yourself to be one of the richest prelates in France?""My friend, since you ask me to give you an account, I will tell you that the bishopric of Vannes is worth about twenty thousand livres a year, neither more nor less.It is a diocese which contains a hundred and sixty parishes.""That is very pretty," said D'Artagnan.

"It is superb!" said Porthos.

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