

Of the Notable Difference D'Artagnan finds between Monsieur the Intendant and Monsieur the Superintendent.

M.Colbert resided in the Rue Neuve des Petits-Champs in a house which had belonged to Beautru.D'Artagnan's legs cleared the distance in a short quarter of an hour.When he arrived at the residence of the new favorite, the court was full of archers and police, who came to congratulate him, or to excuse themselves according to whether he should choose to praise or blame.The sentiment of flattery is instinctive with people of abject condition; they have the sense of it, as the wild animal has that of hearing and smell.These people, or their leader, understood that there was a pleasure to offer to M.Colbert, in rendering him an account of the fashion in which his name had been pronounced during the rash enterprise of the morning.D'Artagnan made his appearance just as the chief of the watch was giving his report.He stood close to the door, behind the archers.That officer took Colbert on one side, in spite of his resistance and the contraction of his bushy eyebrows."In case," said he, "you really desired, monsieur, that the people should do justice on the two traitors, it would have been wise to warn us of it; for, indeed, monsieur, in spite of our regret at displeasing you, or thwarting your views, we had our orders to execute.""Triple fool!" replied Colbert, furiously shaking his hair, thick and black as a mane, "what are you telling me? What!

that I could have had an idea of a riot! Are you mad or drunk?""But, monsieur, they cried, `Vive Colbert!'" replied the trembling watch.

"A handful of conspirators ---- "

"No, no; a mass of people."

"Ah! indeed," said Colbert, expanding."A mass of people cried, `Vive Colbert!' Are you certain of what you say, monsieur?""We had nothing to do but open our ears, or rather to close them, so terrible were the cries.""And this was from the people, the real people?""Certainly, monsieur; only these real people beat us.""Oh! very well," continued Colbert, thoughtfully."Then you suppose it was the people alone who wished to burn the condemned?""Oh! yes, monsieur."

"That is quite another thing.You strongly resisted, then?""We had three of our men crushed to death, monsieur!""But you killed nobody yourselves?"

"Monsieur, a few of the rioters were left upon the square, and one among them who was not a common man.""Who was he?"

"A certain Menneville, upon whom the police have a long time had an eye.""Menneville!" cried Colbert, "what, he who killed Rue de la Huchette, a worthy man who wanted a fat fowl?""Yes, monsieur; the same."

"And did this Menneville also cry, `Vive Colbert'?""Louder than all the rest, like a madman."Colbert's brow grew dark and wrinkled.A kind of ambitious glory which had lighted his face was extinguished, like the light of glow-worms we crush beneath the grass."Then you say," resumed the deceived intendant, "that the initiative came from the people? Menneville was my enemy, I would have had him hung, and he knew it well.Menneville belonged to the Abbe Fouquet -- the affair originated with Fouquet; does not everybody know that the condemned were his friends from childhood?""That is true," thought D'Artagnan, "and thus are all my doubts cleared up.I repeat it, Monsieur Fouquet many be called what they please, but he is a very gentlemanly man;""And," continued Colbert, "are you quite sure Menneville is dead?"D'Artagnan thought the time was come for him to make his appearance."Perfectly, monsieur;" replied he, advancing suddenly.

"Oh! is that you, monsieur?" said Colbert.

"In person," replied the musketeer with his deliberate tone;"it appears that you had in Menneville a pretty enemy.""It was not I, monsieur, who had an enemy," replied Colbert;"it was the king."

"Double brute!" thought D'Artagnan, "to think to play the great man and the hypocrite with me.Well," continued he to Colbert, "I am very happy to have rendered so good a service to the king; will you take upon you to tell his majesty, monsieur l'intendant?""What commission is this you give me, and what do you charge me to tell his majesty, monsieur? Be precise, if you please," said Colbert, in a sharp voice, tuned beforehand to hostility.

"I give you no commission," replied D'Artagnan, with that calmness which never abandons the banterer; "I thought it would be easy for you to announce to his majesty that it was I who, being there by chance, did justice upon Menneville and restored things to order."Colbert opened his eyes and interrogated the chief of the watch with a look -- "Ah! it is very true," said the latter, "that this gentleman saved us.""Why did you not tell me monsieur, that you came to relate me this?" said Colbert with envy, "everything is explained, and more favorably for you than for anybody else.""You are in error, monsieur l'intendant, I did not at all come for the purpose of relating that to you.""It is an exploit, nevertheless."

"Oh!" said the musketeer carelessly, "constant habit blunts the mind.""To what do I owe the honor of your visit, then?""Simply to this: the king ordered me to come to you.""Ah!" said Colbert, recovering himself when he saw D'Artagnan draw a paper from his pocket; "it is to demand some money of me?""Precisely, monsieur.'

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