

"Do you remember, Athos," said he, "the passage of the `Memoires de D'Aubigny,' in which that devoted servant, a Gascon like myself, poor as myself, and, I was going to add, brave as myself, relates instances of the meanness of Henry IV.? My father always told me, I remember, that D'Aubigny was a liar.But, nevertheless, examine how all the princes, the issue of the great Henry, keep up the character of the race.""Nonsense!" said Athos, "the kings of France misers? You are mad, my friend.""Oh! you are so perfect yourself, you never agree to the faults of others.But, in reality, Henry IV.was covetous, Louis XIII., his son, was so likewise; we know something of that, don't we? Gaston carried this vice to exaggeration, and has made himself, in this respect, hated by all who surround him.Henriette, poor woman, might well be avaricious, she who did not eat every day, and could not warm herself every winter; and that is an example she has given to her son Charles II., grandson of the great Henry IV., who is as covetous as his mother and his grandfather.

See if I have well traced the genealogy of the misers?""D'Artagnan, my friend," cried Athos, "you are very rude towards that eagle race called the Bourbons.""Eh! and I have forgotten the best instance of all -- the other grandson of the Bearnais, Louis XIV., my ex-master.

Well, I hope he is miserly enough, he who would not lend a million to his brother Charles! Good! I see you are beginning to be angry.Here we are, by good luck, close to my house, or rather to that of my friend, M.Monk.""My dear D'Artagnan, you do not make me angry, you make me sad; it is cruel, in fact, to see a man of your deserts out of the position his services ought to have acquired; it appears to me, my dear friend, that your name is as radiant as the greatest names in war and diplomacy.Tell me if the Luynes, the Ballegardes, and the Bassompierres have merited, as we have, fortunes and honors? You are right, my friend, a hundred times right."D'Artagnan sighed, and preceded his friend under the porch of the mansion Monk inhabited, at the extremity of the city.

"Permit me," said he, "to leave my purse at home; for if in the crowd those clever pickpockets of London, who are much boasted of, even in Paris, were to steal from me the remainder of my poor crowns, I should not be able to return to France.Now, content I left France, and wild with joy Ishould return to it, seeing that all my prejudices of former days against England have returned, accompanied by many others."Athos made no reply.

"So then, my dear friend, one second, and I will follow you," said D'Artagnan."I know you are in a hurry to go yonder to receive your reward, but, believe me, I am not less eager to partake of your joy, although from a distance.

Wait for me." And D'Artagnan was already passing through the vestibule, when a man, half servant, half soldier, who filled in Monk's establishment the double functions of porter and guard, stopped our musketeer, saying to him in English:

"I beg your pardon, my Lord d'Artagnan!"

"Well," replied the latter: "what is it? Is the general going to dismiss me? I only needed to be expelled by him."These words, spoken in French, made no impression upon the person to whom they were addressed and who himself only spoke an English mixed with the rudest Scotch.But Athos was grieved at them, for he began to think D'Artagnan was not wrong.

The Englishman showed D'Artagnan a letter: "From the general," said he.

"Aye! that's it, my dismissal!" replied the Gascon."Must Iread it, Athos?"

"You must be deceived," said Athos, "or I know no more honest people in the world but you and myself."D'Artagnan shrugged his shoulders and unsealed the letter, while the impassible Englishman held for him a large lantern, by the light of which he was enabled to read it.

"Well, what is the matter?" said Athos, seeing the countenance of the reader change.

"Read it yourself," said the musketeer.

Athos took the paper and read:

Monsieur d'Artagnan.-- The king regrets very much you did not come to St.Paul's with his cortege.He missed you, as Ialso have missed you, my dear captain.There is but one means of repairing all this.His majesty expects me at nine o'clock at the palace of St.James's: will you be there at the same time with me? His gracious majesty appoints that hour for an audience he grants you."This letter was from Monk.

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    (家国天下苦,不妨碍情意深重!不虐不虐,简介什么都是浮云) 崖门海边的千孔绝壁之上,她白袍乌血、手握卷刃地立在猎猎海风中,怀中还抱着一个稚幼的孩童,身后是火光烈烈、血染狂潮、伏尸千里的海面。而她的面前却是曾经倾心以待之人,正拥握雄兵,寒甲铁蹄,弩矢冷光地与她对峙。国破城覆,无以退路。她漾出最后一抹笑,对怀中孩童道:“公主可害怕?”孩童瞪着乌珠般的眸,流着泪却固执摇摇头。“好,这才是我赵家好儿女!”她垂眸笑着赞许。再抬头,她依旧笑着,对崖那头的男子道:“识君十三载,从此碧落黄泉后会无期!”话毕,她轻轻往后退,电光火石间只见千仞绝壁、惊涛堆雪中一片斑驳白影似冬风卷起的叶直接坠落,也刺痛他目眦欲裂的双眼------正史都是用来镌刻在丹青上一本正经教训人的,野史才是活在口耳相传、活色生香的话本子里撩动人心的。诸君要翻的便是一册野史话本子,细数的便是宋元交替年间的儿女情长之悲喜,国破家亡之恨痛。宫城、江湖、权谋、暗杀、宗族、战争,野史里烩炖的是一口润在唇舌间的津津之意,是不吐不快的快意恩仇。欢迎孩子们安心入坑,新手姐姐坑品优良,绝无半路弃坑的不良习惯!