I'm not sure we won't be able to get out that way.""Come on; everything's ready," Ruth was calling; her summoning blocked any objection we might have raised to Drake's argument.
It was no dryad, no distressed pagan clad maid we saw as we passed back into the room of the pool.In knickerbockers and short skirt, prim and self-possessed, rebellious curls held severely in place by close-fitting cap and slender feet stoutly shod, Ruth hovered over the steaming kettle swung above the spirit lamp.
And she was very silent as we hastily broke fast.Nor when we had finished did she go to Drake.She clung close to her brother and beside him as we set forth down the roadway, through the rain, toward the ledge between the cliffs where the veils had shimmered.
Hotter and hotter it grew as we advanced; the air steamed like a Turkish bath.The mists clustered so thickly that at last we groped forward step by step, holding to each other.
"No use," gasped Ventnor."We couldn't see.We'll have to turn back.""Burned out!" said Dick."Didn't I tell you? The whole valley was a volcano.And with that deluge falling in it--why wouldn't there be a fog? It's why there IS a fog.We'll have to wait until it clears."We trudged back to the blue globe.
All that day the rain fell.Throughout the few remaining hours of daylight we wandered over the house of Norhala, examining its most interesting contents, or sat theorizing, discussing all phases of the phenomena we had witnessed.
We told Ruth what had occurred after she had thrown in her lot with Norhala; and of the enigmatic struggle between the glorious Disk and the sullenly flaming Thing I have called the Keeper.
We told her of the entombment of Norhala.
When she heard that she wept.
"She was sweet," she sobbed; "she was lovely.And she was beautiful.Dearly she loved me.I KNOW she loved me.
Oh, I know that we and ours and that which was hers could not share the world together.But it comes to me that Earth would have been far less poisonous with those that were Norhala's than it is with us and ours!"Weeping, she passed through the curtainings, going we knew to Norhala's chamber.
It was a strange thing indeed that she had said, Ithought, watching her go.That the garden of the world would be far less poisonous blossoming with those Things of wedded crystal and metal and magnetic fires than fertile as now with us of flesh and blood and bone.To me came appreciations of their harmonies, and mingled with those perceptions were others of humanity--disharmonious, incoordinate, ever struggling, ever striving to destroy itself--There was a plaintive whinnying at the open door.Along and hairy face, a pair of patient, inquiring eyes looked in.It was a pony.For a moment it regarded us--and then trotted trustfully through; ambled up to us; poked its head against my side.
It had been ridden by one of the Persians whom Ruth had killed, for under it, slipped from the girths, a saddle dangled.And its owner must have been kind to it--we knew that from its lack of fear for us.Driven by the tempest of the night before, it had been led back by instinct to the protection of man.
"Some luck!" breathed Drake.
He busied himself with the pony, stripping away the hanging saddle, grooming it.