

Maggie Behaves Worse than She Expected THE startling object which thus made an epoch for uncle Pullet was no other than little Lucy, with one side of her person, from her small foot to her bonnet-crown, wet and discoloured with mud, holding out two tiny blackened hands and making a very piteous face.To account for this unprecedented apparition in aunt Pullet's parlour, we must return to the moment when the three children went to play out of doors and the small demons who had taken possession of Maggie's soul at an early period of the day had returned in all the greater force after a temporary absence.

All the disagreeable recollections of the morning were thick upon her, when Tom, whose displeasure towards her had been considerably refreshed by her foolish trick of causing him to upset his cowslip wine, said, `Here, Lucy, you come along with me,' and walked off to the area where the toads were, as if there were no Maggie in existence.Seeing this Maggie lingered at a distance looking like a small Medusa with her snakes cropped.Lucy was naturally pleased that cousin Tom was so good to her, and it was very amusing to see him tickling a fat toad with a piece of string when the toad was safe down the area with an iron grating over him.Still Lucy wished Maggie to enjoy the spectacle also, especially as she would doubtless find a name for the toad and say what had been his past history; for Lucy had a delighted semi-belief in Maggie's stories about the live things they came upon by accident - how Mrs Earwig had a wash at home, and one of her children had fallen into the hot copper, for which reason, she was running so fast to fetch the doctor.Tom had a profound contempt for this nonsense of Maggie's, smashing the earwig at once as a superfluous yet easy means of proving the entire unreality of such a story; but Lucy, for the life of her, could not help fancying there was something in it, and at all events thought it was very pretty make-believe.So now the desire to know the history of a very portly toad, added to her habitual affectionateness, made her run back to Maggie and say, `O, there is such a big, funny toad, Maggie! Do come and see.' Maggie said nothing, but turned away from her with a deeper frown.As long as Tom seemed to prefer Lucy to her, Lucy made part of his unkindness.Maggie would have thought a little while ago that she could never be cross with pretty little Lucy, any more than she could be cruel to a little white mouse; but then, Tom had always been quite indifferent to Lucy before, and it had been left to Maggie to pet and make much of her.As it was, she was actually beginning to think that she should like to make Lucy cry, by slapping or pinching her, especially as it might vex Tom, whom it was of no use to slap even if she dared, because he didn't mind it.And if Lucy hadn't been there, Maggie was sure he would have got friends with her sooner.

Tickling a fat toad who is not highly sensitive is an amusement that it is possible to exhaust, and Tom by-and-by began to look round for some other mode of passing the time.But in so prim a garden where they were not to go off the paved walks, there was not a great choice of sport.The only great pleasure such a restriction allowed was the pleasure of breaking it, and Tom began to meditate an insurrectionary visit to the pond, about a field's length beyond the garden.

`I say, Lucy,' he began, nodding his head up and down with great significance as he coiled up his string again.`What do you think I mean to do?'

`What, Tom?' said Lucy, with curiosity.

`I mean to go to the pond, and look at the pike.You may go with me if you like,' said the young Sultan.

`O, Tom, dare you?' said Lucy.`Aunt said we mustn't go out of the garden.'

`O, I shall go out at the other end of the garden,' said Tom.`Nobody 'ull see us.Besides I don't care if they do - I'll run off home.'

`But I couldn't run,' said Lucy, who had never before been exposed to such severe temptation.

`O, never mind - they won't be cross with you ,' said Tom.`You say I took you.'

Tom walked along, and Lucy trotted by his side timidly enjoying the rare treat of doing something naughty - excited also by the mention of that celebrity, the pike, about which she was quite uncertain whether it was a fish or a fowl.Maggie saw them leaving the garden, and could not resist the impulse to follow.Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love, and that Tom and Lucy should do or see anything of which she was ignorant would have been an intolerable idea to Maggie.So she kept a few yards behind them, unobserved by Tom, who was presently absorbed in watching for the `jack-pike' - a highly interesting monster - he was said to be so very old, so very large, and to have such a remarkable appetite.The pike, like other celebrities did not show when he was watched for, but Tom caught sight of something in rapid movement in the water which attracted him to another spot on the brink of the pond.

`Here, Lucy!' he said in a loud whisper, `come here! Take care! Keep on the grass - don't step where the cows have been!' he added pointing to a peninsula of dry grass, with trodden mud on each side of it; for Tom's contemptuous conception of a girl included the attribute of being unfit to walk in dirty places.

Lucy came carefully as she was bidden, and bent down to look at what seemed a golden arrow-head darting through the water.It was a water-snake, Tom told her, and Lucy at last could see the serpentine wave of its body, very much wondering that a snake could swim.Maggie had drawn nearer and nearer - she must see it too, though it was bitter to her like everything else, since Tom did not care about her seeing it.At last, she was close by Lucy, and Tom, who had been aware of her approach, but would not notice it till he was obliged, turned round and said, `Now, get away, Maggie.There's no room for you on the grass here.Nobody asked you to come.'

  • Jeremy Bentham

    Jeremy Bentham

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    为钱出道,寻找真相阴谋阳谋,魑魅魍魉不惧,不恐,不退原以为一切背道而驰,却不料殊途同归走到星光前,势要搅她个天翻地覆。【片段一】这是什么?”叶柠接过一个信封问道。“叶柠,这是你的新任务。”“新任务?”“我不去。” “这是命令。”“今日凌晨,微博曝光了一张价目表,里面囊括了娱乐圈大多数明星的片酬,其中以秦阳8000万的片酬位居榜首……”“你不是需要钱吗?成为艺人,你想赚多少就有多少。”八千万,叶柠看了一眼电视。“好,”。【片段二】真人秀“啊啊啊啊,这里有蛇,”李诗诗看到树枝头缠绕着花花绿绿的蛇,花容失色的尖叫着。如果再给她一次选择的机会,她死也不参加这个节目。“啪,”一根干枯的树枝飞了过来,将枝头的蛇打落下来。“噗”。“看,我们的晚餐有了。”叶柠一手拿着匕首,一手捏着没有蛇头,不停挪动渗着血的蛇身,凑到李诗诗面前。开心的露出八颗牙笑道。“呵呵”,李诗诗脸色苍白的退后一步。
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    获得一个坑货系统,跑到其他世界去当他们的大哥,主角表示很无奈啊!“萧炎老弟,快过来给大哥捶捶腿。”叶凌羽慵懒的说道。“……”萧炎一脸的不乐意。“别这样嘛,等会告诉你快速提高修为的方法。”一脸邪笑。萧炎眼睛一亮,兴奋的说道:“好嘞,大哥”随即屁颠屁颠的跑过去。(来自作者的温馨提示:请自带超级解毒剂,因为接下来会让你开始怀疑三观! 谢谢合作
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