

"You've triumphed, Pathfinder," called out the Quarter-master, "and Captain Sanglier has come himself to offer terms.You'll no' be denying a brave enemy honorable retreat, when he has fought ye fairly, and done all the credit he could to king and country.Ye are too loyal a subject yourself to visit loyalty and fidelity with a heavy judgment.I am authorized to offer, on the part of the enemy, an evacuation of the island, a mutual exchange of prisoners, and a restoration of scalps.In the absence of baggage and artillery, little more can be done."As the conversation was necessarily carried on in a high key, both on account of the wind and of the distance, all that was said was heard equally by those in the block and those in the cutter.

"What do you say to that, Jasper?" called out Path-finder."You hear the proposal.Shall we let the vaga-bonds go? or shall we mark them, as they mark their sheep in the settlements, that we may know them again?""What has befallen Mabel Dunham?" demanded the young man, with a frown on his handsome face, that was visible even to those on the block."If a hair of her head has been touched, it will go hard with the whole Iro-quois tribe."

"Nay, nay, she is safe below, nursing a dying parent, as becomes her sex.We owe no grudge on account of the Sergeant's hurt, which comes of lawful warfare; and as for Mabel -- ""She is here!" exclaimed the girl herself, who had mounted to the roof the moment she found the direction things were taking, -- "she is here! and, in the name of our holy religion, and of that God whom we profess to wor-ship in common, let there be no more bloodshed! Enough has been spilt already; and if these men will go away, Pathfinder -- if they will depart peaceably, Jasper -- oh, do not detain one of them! My poor father is approaching his end, and it were better that he should draw his last breath in peace with the world.Go, go, Frenchmen and Indians! we are no longer your enemies, and will harm none of you.""Tut, tut, Magnet!" put in Cap; "this sounds religious, perhaps, or like a book of poetry; but it does not sound like common sense.The enemy is just ready to strike;Jasper is anchored with his broadside to bear, and, no doubt, with springs on his cables; Pathfinder's eye and hand are as true as the needle; and we shall get prize-money, head-money, and honor in the bargain, if you will not interfere for the next half-hour.""Well," said Pathfinder, "I incline to Mabel's way of thinking.There _has_ been enough blood shed to answer our purpose and to sarve the king; and as for honor, in that meaning, it will do better for young ensigns and re-cruits than for cool-headed, obsarvant Christian men.

There is honor in doing what's right, and unhonor in doing what's wrong; and I think it wrong to take the life even of a Mingo, without a useful end in view, I do; and nght to hear reason at all times.So, Lieutenant Muir, let us know what your friends the Frenchers and Indians have to say for themselves.""My friends!" said Muir, starting; "you'll no' be calling the king's enemies my friends, Pathfinder, because the fortune of war has thrown me into their hands? Some of the greatest warriors, both of ancient aud modern times, have been prisoners of war; and yon is Master Cap, who can testify whether we did not do all that men could de-vise to escape the calamity."

"Ay, ay," drily answered Cap; "escape is the proper word.We ran below aud hid ourselves, and so discreetly, that we might have remained in the hole to this hour, had it not been for the necessity of re-stowing the bread lockers.

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