

Well, Mr.Brough pitied the poor love-sick swain, as he called me, so much, and felt such a warm sympathy in my well-being, that he insisted on my going down to Somersetshire with a couple of months' leave; and away I went, as happy as a lark, with a couple of brand- new suits from Von Stiltz's in my trunk (I had them made, looking forward to a certain event), and inside the trunk Lieutenant Smith's fleecy hosiery; wrapping up a parcel of our prospectuses and two letters from John Brough, Esq., tomy mother our worthy annuitant, and to Mrs.Hoggarty our excellent shareholder.Mr.Brough said I was all that the fondest father could wish, that he considered me as his own boy, and that he earnestly begged Mrs.Hoggarty not to delay the sale of her little landed property, as land was high now and MUST FALL; whereas the West Diddlesex Association shares were (comparatively) low, and must inevitably, in the course of a year or two, double, treble, quadruple their present value.

In this way I was prepared, and in this way I took leave of my dear Gus.As we parted in the yard of the "Bolt-in-Tun," Fleet Street, I felt that I never should go back to Salisbury Square again, and had made my little present to the landlady's family accordingly.She said I was the respectablest gentleman she had ever had in her house: nor was that saying much, for Bell Lane is in the Rules of the Fleet, and her lodgers used commonly to be prisoners on Rule from that place.As for Gus, the poor fellow cried and blubbered so that he could not eat a morsel of the muffins and grilled ham with which I treated him for breakfast in the "Bolt-in-Tun" coffee- house; and when I went away was waving his hat and his handkerchief so in the archway of the coach-office that I do believe the wheels of the "True Blue" went over his toes, for I heard him roaring as we passed through the arch.Ah! how different were my feelings as I sat proudly there on the box by the side of Jim Ward, the coachman, to those I had the last time I mounted that coach, parting from my dear Mary and coming to London with my DIAMOND PIN!

When arrived near home (at Grumpley, three miles from our village, where the "True Blue" generally stops to take a glass of ale at the Poppleton Arms) it was as if our Member, Mr.Poppleton himself, was come into the country, so great was the concourse of people assembled round the inn.And there was the landlord of the inn and all the people of the village.Then there was Tom Wheeler, the post-boy, from Mrs.Rincer's posting-hotel in our town; he was riding on the old bay posters, and they, Heaven bless us! were drawing my aunt's yellow chariot, in which she never went out but thrice in a year, and in which she now sat in her splendid cashmere shawl and a new hat and feather.She waved a white handkerchief out of the window, and Tom Wheeler shouted out"Huzza!" as did a number of the little blackguard boys of Grumpley: who, to be sure, would huzza for anything.What a change on Tom Wheeler's part, however! I remembered only a few years before how he had whipped me from the box of the chaise, as I was hanging on for a ride behind.Next to my aunt's carriage came the four-wheeled chaise of Lieutenant Smith, R.N., who was driving his old fat pony with his lady by his side.I looked in the back seat of the chaise, and felt a little sad at seeing that SOMEBODY was not there.But, O silly fellow! there was Somebody in the yellow chariot with my aunt, blushing like a peony, I declare, and looking so happy!--oh, so happy and pretty! She had a white dress, and a light blue and yellow scarf, which my aunt said were the Hoggarty colours; though what the Hoggartys had to do with light blue and yellow, I don't know to this day.

Well, the "True Blue" guard made a great bellowing on his horn as his four horses dashed away; the boys shouted again; I was placed bodkin between Mrs.Hoggarty and Mary; Tom Wheeler cut into his bays; the Lieutenant (who had shaken me cordially by the hand, and whose big dog did not make the slightest attempt at biting me this time) beat his pony till its fat sides lathered again; and thus in this, I may say, unexampled procession, I arrived in triumph at our village.

  • 农门贵女:地主来袭


  • 鲁迅家族:一门三杰


    本书主要讲述的内容包括:被遮蔽和高悬的鲁迅、鲁迅的后人们、周作人之“苦”、周作人之谜 ——止庵谈周作人的国事与家事。
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  • 凰医帝临七神


  • 冷地


  • 凰医帝临七神


  • 夏利的夏天


    从学校中毕业的夏利来到了死党所在的城市——沙城,她很幸运的应聘到一家杂志社,但是后来渐渐发现这家公司只是一个空壳公司,为了生计夏利不得不继续的待下去。在这期间,她遇见了以前在大学同学梁爽,虽然明知心中还忘不掉初恋甄成的夏利不喜欢自己,可还是为她做了力所能及的事,直到常磊的出现,常磊是一家电台的DJ,帅气成熟,是夏利最喜欢的一位电台DJ,梁爽便渐渐退出夏利的生活,为自己的事业打拼。 在夏利失业的日子中,她遇见了耳朵,一位在地下通道唱歌的歌手,她和耳朵,还有耳朵的女朋友小蝎一起奋斗去实现当初的梦想,并帮助残疾人歪歪走出内心的阴影,后来耳朵和小蝎取得了巨大的成功,签约了正规的唱片公司。夏利觉得自己也可以选择做些事情了,她辞掉了耳朵经纪人的角色,在捐助了一座湘西的希望小学后,在夏末的时候她一个人去了乌镇,过着摄影师角色的悠闲日子,然后一直给大白和梁爽写着那些年华似水的信……
  • 逆凤


  • 都市驱灵录


  • 拳击(奥林匹克百科知识丛书)

