
第15章 GOOD-BYE, JACK(3)

"Just the man I want to see," was his greeting."I'll show you the saddest aspect of the whole situation--the lepers wailing as they depart for Molokai.The Noeau will be taking them on board in a few minutes.But let me warn you not to let your feelings be harrowed.Real as their grief is, they'd wail a whole sight harder a year hence if the Board of Health tried to take them away from Molokai.We've just time for a whiskey and soda.I've a carriage outside.It won't take us five minutes to get down to the wharf."To the wharf we drove.Some forty sad wretches, amid their mats, blankets, and luggage of various sorts, were squatting on the stringer piece.The Noeau had just arrived and was making fast to a lighter that lay between her and the wharf.A Mr.McVeigh, the superintendent of the settlement, was overseeing the embarkation, and to him I was introduced, also to Dr.Georges, one of the Board of Health physicians whom I had already met at Kalihi.The lepers were a woebegone lot.The faces of the majority were hideous--too horrible for me to describe.But here and there I noticed fairly good-looking persons, with no apparent signs of the fell disease upon them.One, I noticed, a little white girl, not more than twelve, with blue eyes and golden hair.One cheek, however, showed the leprous bloat.On my remarking on the sadness of her alien situation among the brown-skinned afflicted ones, Doctor Georgesreplied:-"Oh, I don't know.It's a happy day in her life.She comes from Kauai.Her father is a brute.And now that she has developed the disease she is going to join her mother at the settlement.Her mother was sent down three years ago--a very bad case.""You can't always tell from appearances," Mr.McVeigh explained.That man there, that big chap, who looks the pink of condition, with nothing the matter with him, I happen to know has a perforating ulcer in his foot and another in his shoulder-blade.Then there are others--there, see that girl's hand, the one who is smoking the cigarette.See her twisted fingers.That's the anaesthetic form. It attacks the nerves.You could cut her fingers off with a dull knife, or rub them off on a nutmeg-grater, and she would notexperience the slightest sensation.""Yes, but that fine-looking woman, there," I persisted; "surely, surely, there can't be anything the matter with her.She is too glorious and gorgeous altogether.""A sad case," Mr.McVeigh answered over his shoulder, already turning away to walk down the wharf with Kersdale.

She was a beautiful woman, and she was pure Polynesian.From my meagre knowledge of the race and its types I could not but conclude that she had descended from old chief stock.She could not have been more than twenty-three or four.Her lines and proportions were magnificent, and she was just beginning to show the amplitude of the women of her race.

"It was a blow to all of us," Dr.Georges volunteered."She gave herself up voluntarily, too.No one suspected.But somehow she had contracted the disease.It broke us all up, I assure you.We'vekept it out of the papers, though.Nobody but us and her family knows what has become of her.In fact, if you were to ask any man in Honolulu, he'd tell you it was his impression that she was somewhere in Europe.It was at her request that we've been so quiet about it.Poor girl, she has a lot of pride.""But who is she?" I asked."Certainly, from the way you talk about her, she must be somebody.""Did you ever hear of Lucy Mokunui?" he asked.

"Lucy Mokunui?" I repeated, haunted by some familiar association.I shook my head."It seems to me I've heard the name, but I've forgotten it.""Never heard of Lucy Mokunui! The Hawaiian nightingale! I beg your pardon.Of course you are a malahini, {1} and could not be expected to know.Well, Lucy Mokunui was the best beloved of Honolulu--ofall Hawaii, for that matter.""You say WAS," I interrupted.

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