

This opinion had nothing to recommend it but the general consent of mankind.It is universally understood that, as if it were nothing more substantial than vapour floating in the sky, every emotion of a woman is bound to end in a shower.And it is very probable that had Stevie died in his bed under her despairing gaze, in her protecting arms, Mrs Verloc's grief would have found relief in a flood of bitter and pure tears.Mrs Verloc, in common with other human beings, was provided with a fund of unconscious resignation sufficient to meet the normal manifestation of human destiny.Without `troubling her head about it', she was aware that it `did not stand looking into very much'.But the lamentable circumstances of Stevie's end, which to Mr Verloc's mind had only an episodic character, as part of a greater disaster, dried her tears at their very source.It was the effect of a white-hot iron drawn across her eyes; at the same time her heart, hardened and chilled into a lump of ice, kept her body in an inward shudder, set her features into a frozen, contemplative immobility addressed to a whitewashed wall with no writing on it.The exigencies of Mrs Verloc's temperament, which, when stripped of its philosophical reserve, was maternal and violent, forced her to roll a series of thoughts in her motionless head.These thoughts were rather imagined than expressed.Mrs Verloc was a woman of singularly few words, either for public or private use.With the rage and dismay of a betrayed woman, she reviewed the tenor of her life in visions concerned mostly with Stevie's difficult existence from its earliest days.It was a life of single purpose and of a noble unity of inspiration, like those rare lives that have left their mark on the thoughts and feelings of mankind.But the visions of Mrs Verloc lacked nobility and magnificence.She saw herself putting the boy to bed by the light of a single candle on the deserted top floor of a `business house', dark under the roof and scintillating exceedingly with lights and cut glass at the level of the street like a fairy palace.That meretricious splendour was the only one to be met in Mrs Verloc's visions.She remembered brushing the boy's hair and tying his pinafores - herself in a pinafore still; the consolations administered to a small and badly scared creature by another creature nearly as small but not quite so badly scared; she had the vision of the blows intercepted (often with her own head), of a door held desperately shut against a man's rage (not for very long); of a poker flung once (not very far), which stilled that particular storm into the dumb and awful silence which follows a thunder-clap.And all these scenes of violence came and went accompanied by the unrefined noise of deep vociferations proceeding from a man wounded in his paternal pride, declaring himself obviously accursed since one of his kids was a `slobbering idjut and the other a wicked she-devil'.It was of her that this had been said many years ago.

Mrs Verloc heard the words again in a ghostly fashion, and then the dreary shadow of the Belgravian mansion descended upon her shoulders.It was a crushing memory, an exhausting vision of countless breakfast trays carried up and down innumerable stairs, of endless haggling over pence, of the endless drudgery of sweeping, dusting, cleaning, from basement to attics; while the impotent mother, staggering on swollen legs, cooked in a grimy kitchen, and poor Stevie, the unconscious presiding genius of all their toil, blacked the gentlemen's boots in the scullery.But this vision had a breath of a hot London summer in it, and for a central figure a young man wearing his Sunday best, with a straw hat on his dark head and a wooden pipe in his mouth.Affectionate and jolly, he was a fascinating companion for a voyage down the sparkling stream of life; only his boat was very small.There was room in it for a girl-partner at the oar, but no accommodation for passengers.He was allowed to drift away from the threshold of the Belgravian mansion while Winnie averted her tearful eyes.He was not a lodger.The lodger was Mr Verloc, indolent and keeping late hours, sleepily jocular of a morning from under his bed-clothes, but with gleams of infatuation in his heavy-lidded eyes, and always with some money in his pockets.There was no sparkle of any kind on the lazy stream of his life.It flowed through secret places.But his barque seemed a roomy craft, and his taciturn magnanimity accepted as a matter of course the presence of passengers.

Mrs Verloc pursued the visions of seven years' security for Stevie loyally paid for on her part; of security growing into confidence, into a domestic feeling, stagnant and deep like a placid pool, whose guarded surface hardly shuddered on the occasional passage of Comrade Ossipon, the robust anarchist with shamelessly inviting eyes, whose glance had a corrupt clearness sufficient to enlighten any woman not absolutely imbecile.

A few seconds only had elapsed since the last word had been uttered aloud in the kitchen, and Mrs Verloc was staring already at the vision of an episode not more than a fortnight old.With eyes whose pupils were extremely dilated she stared at the vision of her husband and poor Stevie walking up Brett Street side by side away from the shop.It was the last scene of an existence created by Mrs Verloc's genius; an existence foreign to all grace and charm, without beauty and almost without decency, but admirable in the continuity of feeling and tenacity of purpose.And this last vision had such plastic relief, such nearness of form, such a fidelity of suggestive detail, that it wrung from Mrs Verloc an anguished and faint murmur, reproducing the supreme illusion of her life, an appalled murmur that died out on her blanched lips.

`Might have been father and son.'

Mr Verloc stopped, and raised a careworn face.`Eh? What did you say?'

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    白玉蟾是中国历史上一位杰出的道教思想家和诗人,其诗文多被收入《全宋文》、《四库全书》和唐宋诗词集各种版本中,文辞典雅、清空飘渺,后人多给予很高的评价,称之为宋代杰出道教诗人和道教文学家,是中国思想史上一位有影响的思想家。 《白玉蟾诗词集》是四川大学盖建民教授在国家社科基金项目《白玉蟾道教金丹派南宗考论的配套项目,是作者历时八年在详尽占有典籍文献和地方志、碑刻、笔记小说等史料,采用传统目录文献学方法和考据方法,通过《道藏》内外典籍文献与地方志史料和考古文献互证,整理和辑存散佚白玉蟾诗词总汇。
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