

Tommy sat on his perch, in the centre of the group, keeping a keen lookout for cigarette ends.Outside, the world was deep in snow; and that wonderful silence reigned; making the talk and laughter within all the more gay by contrast--you know, that PENETRATING silence;when trees, and fields, and paths, are covered a foot thick in soft sparkling whiteness.I always look forward, just as eagerly, each winter to the first sight--ah, I forgot!...Fancy never seeing snow again!...Never mind.It is something to remember HAVINGseen it; and I shall hear the wonderful snow-silence more clearly than ever.Perhaps before other people pull up the blinds, I shall be able to say: 'There's been a fall of snow in the night.' What was I telling you? Yes, I remember.About little Mrs.Fussy.Well--all the women had gone up to dress for dinner; excepting Jane, who never needed more than half an hour; and Fussy, who was being sprightly, in a laboured way; and fancied herself the centre of attraction which kept us congregated fn the hall.As a matter of fact, we were waiting to tell Jane some private news we had just heard about a young chap in the guards, who was in fearful hot water for ragging.

His colonel was an old friend of Jane's, and we thought she could put in a word, and improve matters for Billy.So Mrs.Fussy was very much de trop, and didn't know it.Jane was sitting with her back to all of us, her feet on the fender, and her skirt turned up over her knees.Oh, there was another one, underneath; a handsome silk thing, with rows of little frills,--which you would think should have gone on outside.But Jane's best things are never paraded; always hidden.

I don't mean clothes, now; but her splendid self.Well--little Fussy was 'chatting'--she never talked--about herself and her conquests;quite unconscious that we all wished her at Jericho.Jane went on reading the evening paper; but she felt the atmosphere growing restive.Presently--ah, but I must not tell you the rest.I have just remembered.Jane made us promise never to repeat it.She thought it detrimental to the other woman.But we just had time for our confab; and Jane caught the evening post with the letter which got Billy off scot-free; and yet came down punctually to dinner, better dressed than any of them.We felt it rather hard luck to have to promise; because we had each counted on being the first to tell the story to the duchess.But, you know, you always have to do as Jane says.""Why?"

"Oh, I don't know! I can't explain why.If you knew her, you would not need to ask.Cake, Miss Gray?""Thank you.Right, this time."

"There! That is exactly as Jane would have said: 'Right, this time.'

Is it not strange that after having for weeks thought your voice so like hers, to-morrow I shall be thinking her voice so like yours?""Oh, no, you will not," said Nurse Rosemary."When she is with you, you will have no thoughts for other people.""Indeed, but I shall!" cried Garth."And, dear little Rosemary, Ishall miss you, horribly.No one--not even she--can take your place.

And, do you know," he leaned forward, and a troubled look clouded the gladness of his face, "I am beginning to feel anxious about it.

She has not seen me since the accident.I am afraid it will give her a shock.Do you think she will find me much changed?"Jane looked at the sightless face turned so anxiously toward her.

She remembered that morning in his room, when he thought himself alone with Dr.Rob; and, leaving the shelter of the wall, sat up to speak, and she saw his face for the first time.She remembered turning to the fireplace, so that Dr.Rob should not see the tears raining down her cheeks.She looked again at Garth--now growing conscious, for the first time, of his disfigurement; and then, only for her sake--and an almost overwhelming tenderness gripped her heart.She glanced at the clock.She could not hold out much longer.

"Is it very bad?" said Garth; and his voice shook.

"I cannot answer for another woman," replied Nurse Rosemary; "but Ishould think your face, just as it is, will always be her joy."Garth flushed; pleased and relieved, but slightly surprised.There was a quality in Nurse Rosemary's voice, for which he could not altogether account.

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