
第59章 Efficient Action(2)

You will see that it is a self-evident proposition that if you do not do any inefficient acts,and if you do a sufficient number of efficient acts,you will become rich. If,now,it is possible for you to make each act an efficient one,you see again that the getting of riches is reduced to an exact science,like mathematics.

The matter turns,then,on the questions whether you can make each separate act a success in itself. And this you can certainly do.

You can make each act a success,because ALL Power is working with you;and ALL Power cannot fail.

Power is at your service;and to make each act efficient you have only to put power into it.

Every action is either strong or weak;and when every one is strong,you are acting in the Certain Way which will make you rich.

Every act can be made strong and efficient by holding your vision while you are doing it,and putting the whole power of your FAITH and PURPOSE into it.

It is at this point that the people fail who separate mental power from personal action. They use the power of mind in one place and at one time,and they act in another pace and at another time. So their acts are not successful in themselves;too many of them are inefficient. But if ALL Power goes into every act,no matter how commonplace,every act will be a success in itself;and as in the nature of things every success opens the way to other successes,your progress toward what you want,and the progress of what you want toward you,will become increasingly rapid.

Remember that successful action is cumulative in its results.Since the desire for more life is inherent in all things,when a man begins to move toward larger life more things attach themselves to him,and the influence of his desire is multiplied.

Do,every day,all that you can do that day,and do each act in an efficient manner.

In saying that you must hold your vision while you are doing each act,however trivial or commonplace,I do not mean to say that it is necessary at all times to see the vision distinctly to its smallest details. It should be the work of your leisure hours to use your imagination on the details of your vision,and to contemplate them until they are firmly fixed upon memory. If you wish speedy results,spend practically all your spare time in this practice.

By continuous contemplation you will get the picture of what you want,even to the smallest details,so firmly fixed upon your mind,and so completely transferred to the mind of Formless Substance,that in your working hours you need only to mentally refer to the picture to stimulate your faith and purpose,and cause your best effort to be put forth. Contemplate your picture in your leisure hours until your consciousness is so full of it that you can grasp it instantly. You will become so enthused with its bright promises that the mere thought of it will call forth the strongest energies of your whole being.

Let us again repeat our syllabus,and by slightly changing the closing statements bring it to the point we have now reached.

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made,and which,in its original state,permeates,penetrates,and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought,in this substance,produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

Man can form things in his thought,and,by impressing his thought upon formless substance,can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this,man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind;he must form a clear mental picture of the things he wants,and do,with faith and purpose,all that can be done each day,doing each separate thing in an efficient manner.

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