

"Let's get Mabel and all the others," said Nan to Mildred. "We ought to take at least six gingham aprons and three nightgowns over to the camp."Aunt Sarah had turned a big long attic room into a sewing school where Nan and Mildred had full charge. Flossie was to look after the spools of thread, keeping them from tangling up, and the girls agreed to let Freddie cut paper patterns.

This was not a play sewing school but a real one, for Aunt Sarah and Mrs. Bobbsey were to do the operating or machine sewing, while the girls were to sew on tapes, buttons, overhand seams, and do all that.

Mildred and Nan invited Mabel, Nettle, Marie Brenn (she was visiting the Herolds), Bessie, and Anna Thomas, a big girl who lived over Lakeside way.

"Be sure to bring your thimbles and needles," Nan told them. "And come at two o'clock this afternoon."Every girl came - even Nettie, who was always so busy at home.

Mrs. Bobbsey sat at the machine ready to do stitching while Aunt Sarah was busy "cutting out" on a long table in front of the low window.

"Now, young ladies," said Mrs. Bobbsey, "we have ready some blue gingham aprons. You see how they are cut out; two seams, one at each side, then they are to be closed down the back. There will be a pair of strings on each apron, and you may begin by pressing down a narrow hem on these strings. We will not need to baste them, just press them down with the finger this way."Mrs. Bobbsey then took up a pair of the sashes and turned in the edges. Immediately the girls followed her instructions, and very soon all of the strings were ready for the machine.

Nan handed them to her mother, and then Aunt Sarah gave out the work.

"Now these are the sleeves," said Aunt Sarah, "and they must eachhave little gathers brought in at the elbow here between these notches. Next you place the sleeve together notch to notch, and they can be stitched without basting.""Isn't it lively to work this way?" said Mildred. "It isn't a bit of trouble, and see how quickly we get done.""Many hands make light work," replied Mrs. Bobbsey. "I guess we will getall the aprons finished this afternoon."Piece by piece the various parts of the garments were given out, until there remained nothing more to do than to put on buttons and work buttonholes, and overhand the arm holes.

"I'll cut the buttonholes," said Mrs. Bobbsey, "then Nan and Mildred may work the buttonholes by sticking a pin through each hole. The other girlsmay then sew the buttons on."It was wonderful how quickly those little pearl buttons went down the backs of the aprons.

"I believe I could make an apron all alone now," said Nan, "if it was cut out.""So could I," declared Mildred. "It isn't hard at all.""Well, here's my patterns," spoke up Freddie, who with Flossie had been busy over in the corner cutting "ladies" out of a fashion paper.

"No, they're paper dolls," said Flossie, who was standing them all up in a row, "and we are going to give them to the fresh-air children to play with on rainy days."It was only half-past four when Nan rang the bell to dismiss the sewing school.

"We have had such a lovely time," said Mabel, "we would like to have sewing to do every week.""Well, you are welcome to come," said Aunt Sarah. "We will make night dresses for the poor little ones next week, then after that you might all bring your own work, mending, fancywork or tidies, whatever you have to do.""And we might each pay five cents to sew for the fresh-air children," suggested Mildred.

"Yes, all charity sewing classes have a fund," Mrs. Bobbsey remarked.

"Thatwould be a good idea."

"Now let us fold up the aprons," said Nan."Don't they look pretty?"And indeed the half-dozen blue-and-white ginghams did look very nice, for they were carefully made and all smooth and even.

"When can we iron them out?" asked Flossie, anxious to deliver the gifts to the needy little ones.

"To-morrow afternoon," replied her mother. "The boys are going to pickvegetables in the morning, and we will drive over in the afternoon." Uncle Daniel had given the boys permission to pick all the butter- beans andstring-beans that were ripe, besides three dozen ears of thechoicest corn,called "Country Gentleman.""Children can only eat very tender corn," said Uncle Daniel, "and as that is sweet and milky they will have no trouble digesting it."Harry looked over every ear of the green corn by pulling the husks down and any that seemed a bit overripe he discarded.

"We will have to take the long wagon," said Bert, as they began to count up the baskets. There were two of beans, three of corn, one of lettuce, two of sweet apples, besides five bunches of Freddie's radishes.

"Be sure to bring Sandy back with you," called Freddie, who did not go to the camp this time."Tell him I'll let him be my twin brother."Nan and Aunt Sarah went with the boys, but how disappointed they were to find a strange matron in charge of the camp, and Sandy's eyes red from crying after Mrs. Manily.

"Oh, I knowed you would come to take me to Freddie," cried he, "'cause my other mamma is gone too, and I'm all alone.""Mrs. Manily was called away by sickness in her family," explained the new matron, "and I cannot do anything with this little boy.""He was so fond of Mrs. Manily," said Aunt Sarah, "and besides he remembers how lonely he was when his own mother went away. Maybe we could bring him over to our house for a few days.""Yes, Mrs. Manily spoke of that," said the matron, "and she had received permission from the Society to let Edward pay a visit to Mrs. Daniel Bobbsey. See, here is the card.""Oh, that will be lovely!" cried Nan, hugging Sandy as tight as herarmscould squeeze.

  • Castle Rackrent

    Castle Rackrent

  • On the Soul

    On the Soul

  • 释门归敬仪护法记


  • 太上灵宝玉匮明真斋忏方仪


  • 锲华严五十要问答序


  • 特别谍案


  • 一个更安全的地方(全集)


  • 追妻无门:女boss不好惹


    青涩蜕变,如今她是能独当一面的女boss,爱了冷泽聿七年,也同样花了七年时间去忘记他。以为是陌路,他突然向他表白,扬言要娶她,她只当他是脑子抽风,他的殷勤她也全都无视。他帮她查她父母的死因,赶走身边情敌,解释当初拒绝她的告别,和故意对她冷漠都是无奈之举。突然爆出她父母的死居然和冷家有丝毫联系,还莫名跳出个公爵未婚夫,扬言要与她履行婚约。峰回路转,破镜还能重圆吗? PS:我又开新文了,每逢假期必书荒,新文《有你的世界遇到爱》,喜欢我的文的朋友可以来看看,这是重生类现言,对这个题材感兴趣的一定要收藏起来。
  • 真相(卫斯理珍藏版)


  • 陆少太霸道娇妻哪里逃


  • 他的小九九


  • 施真


  • 夜城


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  • 热搜女王又虐渣啦


    【强烈推荐新文:《重生九零女王我开挂了》】她本是全能女王,史上最年轻的双料影帝,全国高考状元,神秘的美食天后,却因一次意外失去了记忆,成了人见人欺的小可怜。 他是帝都第一权贵,看似冷酷无情,实则深情无限,他找了他的白月光两年,殊不知,那个人一直就在自己的身边,还成了自己的妻子。 直到有一天,小包子出现了,他可怜兮兮地望着女人,“妈妈,你是不是不要我了?”为了寻找父母,小包子一路跋山涉水,利用自己的高智商,终于来到了父母的身边。终于,一家三口团聚,场面感人!