

"Well, the man told me. The floor is laid on top of those joists--those boards on edge that we crawled over--but the floor stops at a partition. Well, if you get behind a partition, same as you did in the attic, don't you see that you can shove anything you please under the floor between the floor-boards and the lath and plaster of the ceiling below? Look here. I've drawn it."He produced a rude sketch, sufficient to enlighten the allies. There is no part of the modern school curriculum that deals with architecture, and none of them had yet reflected whether floors and ceilings were hollow or solid. Outside his own immediate interests the boy is as ignorant as the savage he so admires; but he has also the savage's resource.

"I see," said Stalky. "I shoved my hand there. An' then?""An' then They've been calling us stinkers, you know. We might shove somethin'

under--sulphur, or something that stunk pretty bad--an' stink 'em out. I know it can be done somehow." Beetle's eyes turned to Stalky handling the diagrams.

"Stinks?" said Stalky interrogatively. Then his face grew luminous with delight. "By gum! I've got it. Horrid stinks! Turkey!" He leaped at the Irishman. "This afternoon--just after Beetle went away! _She's_ the very thing!""Come to my arms, my beamish boy," caroled McTurk, and they fell into each other's arms dancing. "Oh, frabjous day! Calloo, callay! She will! She will!""Hold on," said Beetle. "I don't understand.""Dearr man! It shall, though. Oh, Artie, my pure-souled youth, let us tell our darling Reggie about Pestiferous Stinkadores.""Not until after call-over. Come on!"

"I say," said Orrin, stiffly, as they fell into their places along the walls of the gymnasium. "The house are goin' to hold another meeting.""Hold away, then." Stalky's mind was elsewhere.

"It's about you three this time."

"All right, give 'em my love... _Here,_sir_," and he tore down the corridor.

Gamboling like kids at play, with bounds and sidestarts, with caperings and curvetings, they led the almost bursting Beetle to the rabbit-lane, and from under a pile of stones drew forth the new-slain corpse of a cat. Then did Beetle see the inner meaning of what had gone before, and lifted up his voice in thanksgiving for that the world held warriors so wise as Stalky and McTurk.

"Well-nourished old lady, ain't she?" said Stalky. "How long d'you suppose it'll take her to get a bit whiff in a confined space?""Bit whiff! What a coarse brute you are!" said McTurk. "Can't a poor pussy-cat get under King's dormitory floor to die without your pursuin' her with your foul innuendoes?""What did she die under the floor for?' said Beetle, looking to the future.

"Oh, they won't worry about that when they find her," said Stalky.

"A cat may look at a king." McTurk rolled down the bank at his own jest. "Pussy, you don't know how useful you're goin' to be to three pure-souled, high-minded boys.""They'll have to take up the floor for her, same as they did in Number Nine when the rat croaked. Big medicine--heap big medicine! Phew! Oh, Lord, I wish I could stop laughin'," said Beetle.

"Stinks! Hi, stinks! Clammy ones!" McTurk gasped as he regained his place. "And"--the exquisite humor of it brought them sliding down together in a tangle--"it's all for the honor of the house, too!""An' they're holdin' another meeting--on us," Stalky panted, his knees in the ditch and his face in the long grass. "Well, let's get the bullet out of her and hurry up.

The sooner she's bedded out the better."

Between them they did some grisly work with a penknife; between them (ask not who buttoned her to his bosom) they took up the corpse and hastened back, Stalky arranging their plan of action at the full trot.

The afternoon sun, lying in broad patches on the bed-rugs, saw three boys and an umbrella disappear into a dormitory wall. In five minutes they emerged, brushed themselves all over, washed their hands, combed their hair, and descended.

"Are you sure you shoved her far enough under?" said McTurk suddenly.

"Hang it, man, I shoved her the full length of my arm and Beetle's brolly. That must be about six feet. She's bung in the middle of King's big upper ten-bedder. Eligible central situation, _I_ call it. She'll stink out his chaps, and Hartopp's and Macrea's, when she really begins to fume. I swear your Uncle Stalky is a great man.

Do you realize what a great man he is, Beetle?""Well, I had the notion first, hadn't I--? only--""You couldn't do it without your Uncle Stalky, could you?""They've been calling us stinkers for a week now," said McTurk. "Oh, _won't_ they catch it!""Stinker! Yah! Stink-ah!" rang down the corridor.

"And she's there," said Stalky, a hand on either boy's shoulder. "She--is--there, gettin' ready to surprise 'em. Presently she'll begin to whisper to 'em in their dreams. Then she'll whiff. Golly, how she'll whiff! Oblige me by thinkin' of it for two minutes."They went to their study in more or less of silence. There they began to laugh --laugh as only boys can. They laughed with their foreheads on the tables, or on the floor; laughed at length, curled over the backs of chairs or clinging to a book-shelf; laughed themselves limp.

And in the middle of it Orrin entered on behalf of the house. "Don't mind us, Orrin;sit down. You don't know how we respect and admire you. There's something about your pure, high young forehead, full of the dreams of innocent boyhood, that's no end fetchin'. It is, indeed.""The house sent me to give you this." He laid a folded sheet of paper on the table and retired with an awful front.

"It's the resolution! Oh, read it, some one. I'm too silly-sick with laughin' to see," said Beetle. Stalky jerked it open with a precautionary sniff. "Phew! Phew!

Listen. '_The_house_notices_with_pain_and_contempt_the_attitude_of_indiference_'

--how many f's in indifference, Beetle?"

"Two for choice."

  • 疏香阁词


  • Heimskringla


  • 般若守护十六善神王形体


  • 诚斋诗话


  • 花笺记


  • 南夏林寒


  • 而来未别


  • 史讳举例


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  • 牵只皇室小奶狗做相公


  • 拐角漫漫来


  • 闯关东纪事


  • 染云缘


    她是50世纪的天娇,一朝穿越,魂附名满京城的痴傻公主身上。 当清冷的眸子绽放出耀人的光芒,天下棋局,风云已动。 他是权势滔天的王,冷酷无情。可当她的匕首抵住了他的颈脉,薄唇轻勾。引发了怎样的惊世情缘? 血月当空,他一袭白衣,风华绝代,映入她异色双眸,成为不死不灭的印,刻在她心中涟漪之上,挥之不去。 他勾唇缓缓一笑,没有那些海枯石烂的誓言保证,暗紫色的眸子倒映出眼前的人,再,容不下其他。 片段: 山洞之内,男子抱着一个血人,眼角微红: “怎么救她?” “需要一个人和她签订生死契约,承担伤势,若稍有不慎……筋脉尽毁,灵力全废。” 此话一出,他身旁那两个下属几乎下意识的上前一步,想要挺身而出。 “退下。” 男子的目光半刻不离怀中的人,声音带着几分嘶哑: “我来。” 无论如何,我只要你安好,不管付出什么代价,你也绝不能有半点意外。 有我在,就算你死,也要看我同不同意,如若不能同生,那我便陪你一起,共赴九幽黄泉。简介无能,请看正文。 本文不虐无误会,男女主双强双洁双宠,身心干净1v1,小可爱们点个收藏吖~~
  • 池照水,感谢你曾来过


  • 化谍飞

