

Nicholas, like all men of his age and standing, has a great idea of the degeneracy of the times. He seldom expresses any political opinions, but we managed to ascertain, just before the passing of the Reform Bill, that Nicholas was a thorough Reformer. What was our astonishment to discover shortly after the meeting of the first reformed Parliament, that he was a most inveterate and decided Tory! It was very odd: some men change their opinions from necessity, others from expediency, others from inspiration; but that Nicholas should undergo any change in any respect, was an event we had never contemplated, and should have considered impossible. His strong opinion against the clause which empowered the metropolitan districts to return Members to Parliament, too, was perfectly unaccountable.

We discovered the secret at last; the metropolitan Members always dined at home. The rascals! As for giving additional Members to Ireland, it was even worse - decidedly unconstitutional. Why, sir, an Irish Member would go up there, and eat more dinner than three English Members put together. He took no wine; drank table-beer by the half-gallon; and went home to Manchester-buildings, or Millbank-street, for his whiskey-and-water. And what was the consequence? Why, the concern lost - actually lost, sir - by his patronage. A queer old fellow is Nicholas, and as completely a part of the building as the house itself. We wonder he ever left the old place, and fully expected to see in the papers, the morning after the fire, a pathetic account of an old gentleman in black, of decent appearance, who was seen at one of the upper windows when the flames were at their height, and declared his resolute intention of falling with the floor. He must have been got out by force. However, he was got out - here he is again, looking as he always does, as if he had been in a bandbox ever since the last session. There he is, at his old post every night, just as we have described him: and, as characters are scarce, and faithful servants scarcer, long may he be there, say we!

Now, when you have taken your seat in the kitchen, and duly noticed the large fire and roasting-jack at one end of the room - the little table for washing glasses and draining jugs at the other -the clock over the window opposite St. Margaret's Church - the deal tables and wax candles - the damask table-cloths and bare floor -the plate and china on the tables, and the gridiron on the fire;and a few other anomalies peculiar to the place - we will point out to your notice two or three of the people present, whose station or absurdities render them the most worthy of remark.

It is half-past twelve o'clock, and as the division is not expected for an hour or two, a few Members are lounging away the time here in preference to standing at the bar of the House, or sleeping in one of the side galleries. That singularly awkward and ungainly-looking man, in the brownish-white hat, with the straggling black trousers which reach about half-way down the leg of his boots, who is leaning against the meat-screen, apparently deluding himself into the belief that he is thinking about something, is a splendid sample of a Member of the House of Commons concentrating in his own person the wisdom of a constituency. Observe the wig, of a dark hue but indescribable colour, for if it be naturally brown, it has acquired a black tint by long service, and if it be naturally black, the same cause has imparted to it a tinge of rusty brown;and remark how very materially the great blinker-like spectacles assist the expression of that most intelligent face. Seriously speaking, did you ever see a countenance so expressive of the most hopeless extreme of heavy dulness, or behold a form so strangely put together? He is no great speaker: but when he DOES address the House, the effect is absolutely irresistible.



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    全球热销1300万册的瑞典小说之王弗雷德里克·巴克曼口碑绝佳私小说,那些活得匆匆忙忙的人会错过很多东西。谢谢你,因为你将这个故事赠给了自己。——巴克曼男孩和祖父、父亲和儿子之间缓慢的告别和无尽的爱,车银优一口气读了三遍的人生之书。2016/2017瑞典年度作家,美国亚马逊作家排行NO.1。林彦俊、马思纯、 张皓宸、 池昌旭、车银优、 七堇年、 霍思燕 、奥普拉 、汤姆·汉克斯等极力推荐的超人气小说之王。中英双语呈现,优美到每一句都可朗读出来。美国超人气插画师Ella laytham倾心绘制26幅诗意插画。《一个人的朝圣》《熊镇》《一个叫欧维的男人决定去死》《怦然心动》《戴上手套擦泪》出品方等大鱼读品监制出版,品质保证。这个奇妙又温柔的故事,让你想起那些和家人共度的好时光。
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