

One evening, after leaving the King's closet, I happened to pass through the east gallery at the Louvre, which served at that time as the outer antechamber, and was the common resort as well of all those idlers who, with some pretensions to fashion, lacked the ENTREE, as of many who with greater claims preferred to be at their ease. My passage for a moment stilled the babel which prevailed. But I had no sooner reached the farther door than the noise broke out again; and this with so sudden a fury, the tumult being augmented by the crashing fall of a table, as caused me at the last moment to stand and turn. A dozen voices crying simultaneously, "Have a care!" and "Not here! not here!" and all looking the same way, I was able to detect the three principals in the FRACAS. They were no other than M. de St.

Mesmin, Barradas--a low fellow, still remembered, who was already what Saintonge had prophesied that the former would become--and young St. Germain, the eldest son of M. de Clan.

I rather guessed than heard the cause of the quarrel, and that St. Mesmin, putting into words what many had known for years and some made their advantage of, had accused Barradas of cheating.

The latter's fury was, of course, proportioned to his guilt; an instant challenge while I looked was his natural answer. This, as he was a consummate swordsman, and had long earned his living as much by fear as by fraud, should have been enough to stay the greediest stomach; but St. Mesmin was not content. Treating the knave, the word once passed, as so much dirt, he transferred his attack to St. Germain, and called on him to return the money he had won by betting on Barradas.

St. Germain, a young spark as proud and headstrong as St. Mesmin himself, and possessed of friends equal to his expectations, flung back a haughty refusal. He had the advantage in station and popularity; and by far the larger number of those present sided with him. I lingered a moment in curiosity, looking to see the accuser with all his boldness give way before the almost unanimous expression of disapproval. But my former judgment of him had been correctly formed; so far from being browbeaten or depressed by his position, he repeated the demand with a stubborn persistence that marvellously reminded me of Crillon; and continued to reiterate it until all, except St. Germain himself, were silent. "You must return my money!" he kept on saying monotonously. "You must return my money. This man cheated, and you won my money. You must pay or fight.""With a dead man?" St. Germain replied, gibing at him.

"No, with me."

"Barradas will spit you!" The other scoffed. "Go and order your coffin, and do not trouble me.""I shall trouble you. If you did not know that he cheated, pay;and if you did know, fight."

"I know?" St. Germain retorted fiercely. "You madman! Do you mean to say that I knew that he cheated?""I mean what I say!" St. Mesmin returned stolidly. "You have won my money. You must return it. If you will not return it, you must fight."I should have heard more, but at that moment the main door opened, and two or three gentlemen who had been with the King came out. Not wishing to be seen watching the brawl, I moved away and descended the stairs; and Varenne overtaking me a moment later, and entering on the Biron affair--of which I had just been discussing the latest developments with the King--I forgot St.

Mesmin for the time, and only recalled him next morning when Saintonge, being announced, came into my room in a state of great excitement, and almost with his first sentence brought out his name.

"Barradas has not killed him then?" I said, reproaching myself in a degree for my forgetfulness.

"No! He, Barradas!" Saintonge answered.

"No?" I exclaimed.

"Yes!" he said. "I tell you, M. le Marquis, he is a devil of a fellow--a devil of a fellow! He fought, I am told, just like Crillon; rushed in on that rascal and fairly beat down his guard, and had him pinned to the ground before he knew that they had crossed swords!""Well," I said, "there is one scoundrel the less. That is all.""Ah, but that is not all!" my visitor replied more seriously.

"It should be, but it is not; and it is for that reason I am come to you. You know St. Germain?""I know that his father and you are--well, that you take opposite sides," I said smiling.

"That is pretty well known," he answered coldly. "Anyway, this lad is to fight St. Germain to-morrow; and now I hear that M. de Clan, St. Germain's father, is for shutting him up. Getting a LETTRE DE CACHET or anything else you please, and away with him.""What! St. Germain?" I said.

"No!" M. de Saintonge answered, prolonging the sound to the utmost. "St. Mesmin!""Oh," I said, "I see."

"Yes," the Marquis retorted pettishly, "but I don't. I don't see. And I beg to remind you, M. de Rosny, that this lad is my wife's second cousin through her step-father, and that I shall resent any interference with him. I have spent enough and done enough in the King's service to have my wishes respected in a small matter such as this; and I shall regard any severity exercised towards my kinsman as a direct offence to myself.

Whereas M. de Clan, who will doubtless be here in a few minutes, is--""But stop," I said, interrupting him, "I heard you speaking of this young fellow the other day. You did not tell me then that he was your kinsman.""Nevertheless he is; my wife's second cousin," he answered with heat.

"And you wish him to--"

"Be let alone!" he replied interrupting me in his turn more harshly than I approved. "I wish him to be let alone. If he will fight St. Germain, and kill or be killed, is that the King's affair that he need interfere? I ask for no interference," M. de Saintonge continued bitterly, "only for fair play and no favour.

And for M. de Clan who is a Republican at heart, and a Bironist, and has never done anything but thwart the King, for him to come now, and--faugh! it makes me sick.""Yes," I said drily; "I see."

"You understand me?"

"Yes," I said, "I think so."

  • 小儿卫生总微论方


  • 小腆纪传


  • 修真十书武夷集


  • 艺圃撷余


  • 江表志


  • 蕴天下


  • 谋爱行动:肖先生,请你善良


  • 莼非得已


  • 榨果汁:知道这些就够了


  • 农女种田有空间


  • 冰炭集


    本书是饶宗颐“选堂诗词评注”丛书中的一种。 1968年,饶宗颐应新加坡国立大学校长林大波的聘请,任该校中文系首任教授兼系主任。在新加坡教学之余,他游历了星洲、马六甲、槟城,搜求当地华文碑刻,成为对马来西亚材料研究的第一人。在新加坡期间,他创作诗词117首,认为虽然在那生活待遇很好,但心灵深处却渴望继续以中国文化为重,而心情如冰如炭“一热复一寒”,故将其诗集取名为《冰炭集》。
  • 荒域霸君


  • 他的鬼斩


    大灾变爆发,全球人口锐减百分之七十。魔兽暴动的背后隐藏着何种阴谋?财迷的贱人男主能否带着他的沙雕同伴拯救世界?欢迎收看今晚的走进科……不对,他的鬼斩。体验一个人一把刀一大帮沙雕的另类爆笑的成长之路。 【主角的目的见作品相关序章。多体位求推荐收藏投资】
  • 行动的作为(现代人生成功方案丛书)


  • 混迹地产圈的日子

