

Oh! poor, poor temple, to what strange uses are you come. . . . This excess of grotesqueness in profanation is more insulting surely than to be sacked by barbarians! Behold a table set for some thirty guests, and the guests themselves--of both sexes--merry and lighthearted, belong to that special type of humanity which patronises Thomas Cook & Son (Egypt Ltd.). They wear cork helmets, and the classic green spectacles; drink whisky and soda, and eat voraciously sandwiches and other viands out of greasy paper, which now litters the floor. And the women! Heavens! what scarecrows they are! And this kind of thing, so the black-robed Bedouin guards inform us, is repeated every day so long as the season lasts. A luncheon in the temple of Osiris is part of the programme of pleasure trips. Each day at noon a new band arrives, on heedless and unfortunate donkeys. The tables and the crockery remain, of course, in the old temple!

Let us escape quickly, if possible before the sight shall have become graven on our memory.

But alas! even when we are outside, alone again on the expanse of dazzling sands, we can no longer take things seriously. Abydos and the desert have ceased to exist. The faces of those women remain to haunt us, their faces and their hats, and those looks which they vouchsafed us from over their solar spectacles. . . . The ugliness associated with the name of Cook was once explained to me in this wise, and the explanation at first sight seemed satisfactory: "The United Kingdom, justifiably jealous of the beauty of its daughters, submits them to a jury when they reach the age of puberty; and those who are classed as too ugly to reproduce their kind are accorded an unlimited account at Thomas Cook & Sons, and thus vowed to a course of perpetual travel, which leaves them no time to think of certain trifles incidental to life." The explanation, as I say, seduced me for the time being. But a more attentive examination of the bands who infest the valley of the Nile enables me to aver that all these good English ladies are of an age notoriously canonical; and the catastrophe of procreation therefore, supposing that such an accident could ever have happened to them, must date back to a time long anterior to their enrolment. And I remain perplexed!

Without conviction now, we make our way towards another temple, guaranteed solitary. Indeed the sun blazes there a lonely sovereign in the midst of a profound silence, and Egypt and the past take us again into their folds.

Once more to Osiris, the god of heavenly awakening in the necropolis of Abydos, this sanctuary was built by Ramses II. But the sands have covered it with their winding sheet in vain, and have been able to preserve for us only the lower and more deeply buried parts. Men in their blind greed have destroyed the upper portions,[*] and its ruins, protected and cleared as they are to-day, rise only some ten or twelve feet from the ground. In the bas-reliefs the majority of the figures have only legs and a portion of the body; their heads and shoulders have disappeared with the upper parts of the walls. But they seem to have preserved their vitality: the gesticulations, the exaggerated pantomime of the attitudes of these headless things, are more strange, more striking, perhaps, than if their faces still remained. And they have preserved too, in an extraordinary degree, the brightness of their antique paintings, the fresh tints of their costumes, of their robes of turquoise blue, or lapis, or emerald-green, or golden-yellow.

It is an artless kind of fresco-work, which nevertheless amazes us by remaining perfect after thirty-five centuries. All that these people did seems as if made for immortality. It is true, however, that such brilliant colours are not found in any of the other Pharaonic monuments, and that here they are heightened by the white background.

For, notwithstanding the bluish, black and red granite of the porticoes, the walls are all of a fine limestone, of exceeding whiteness, and, in the holy of holies, of a pure alabaster.

[*] Not long ago a manufacturer, established in the neighbourhood, discovering that the limestone of its walls was friable, used this temple as a quarry, and for some years bas-reliefs beyond price served as aliment to the mills of the factory.

Above the truncated walls, with their bright clear colours, the desert appears, and shows quite brown by contrast; one sees the great yellow swell of sand and stones above the pictures of these decapitated people. It rises like a colossal wave and stretches out to bathe the foot of the Libyan mountains beyond. Towards the north and west of the solitudes, shapeless ruins of tawny-coloured blocks follow one another in the sands until the dazzling distance ends in a clear-cut line against the sky. Apart from this temple of Ramses, where we now stand, and that of Seti in the vicinity, where the enterprise of Thomas Cook & Son flourishes, there is nothing around us but ruins, crumbled and pulverised beyond all possible redemption. But they give us pause, these disappearing ruins, for they are the debris of that ageless temple, where sleeps the head of the god, the debris of the tombs of the Middle and Ancient Empires, and they indicate still the wide extent and development of the necropoles of Abydos, so old that it almost makes one giddy to think of their beginning.

Here, as at Thebes and Memphis, the tombs of the Egyptians are met with only amongst the sands and the parched rocks. The great ancestral people, who would have shuddered at our black trees, and the corruption of the damp graves, liked to place its embalmed dead in the midst of this luminous, changeless splendour of death, which men call the desert.


  • 佛说末利支提婆花鬘经


  • 荡寇志


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  • 杂阿含经五十卷


  • 燕台花事录


  • 我家老爷是条狗


  • 女人使用手册


    无论在荷马的史诗里,还是在歌德的《浮士德》中都随处可见把女人誉为女神,是圣洁的化身。冰心女士也曾如是说“如果世界上缺少了女人,就缺少了十分之五的真,十分之六的善,十分之七的美。”但是,也有这样的说法,“女人是天使,也是魔鬼。”想必说这话的人对女人是又爱又恨的。其实,女人的属相不在十二生肖之内,只在红尘中,流转在轮回里。女人用她们的柔情与爱,刻画了女人的属性。属水的,柔情似水;属茶的,茗香缠绵;属花的,天姿国色;属猫的,神秘优雅……她们在天使与魔鬼间徘徊,在刚与柔,爱与恨的交织中游刃、变幻,让世人一次又一次地诧异、迷茫…… 提到女人的心事,人们想到最多的往往是“女人心,海底针”这句名言,女人到底在想什么,这恐怕没有人能够回答得出来。其实,女人的心是玻璃心,既透明又易碎。她心里的“小九九”,只要用心去体会,就会掐算得八九不离十。莫泊桑不是曾说过,“女人最大的弱点就是总是渴望得到男人的爱”。这话归根结蒂是有些道理的。女人的喜、笑、怒、骂,大多是因男人而起的。女人爱哭、爱闹、唠叨、任性、撒谎、虚荣、嫉妒……似乎女人的毛病多的不能再多,但正因为如此,她们才有了更多女人味。而女人也正是因为有了这样奇妙的心,才会变得鲜活生动,可爱情趣,人们也才会费尽心思,细细品读她的爱、她的内心世界、她的柔情、她的可爱…… 希望《女人使用手册》能带着你走进女人的内心世界,破解女人的心事密码,解读两性世界的困惑。
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  • 万界无敌之魔鸡系统


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  • 世间闲话


    《世间闲话》主要收录了作者蒋子龙近段时间内的多篇优秀散文随笔,包括有《 小龙也是龙》、《中国有多少“办”》、《关于足球的两句话》、《现代人 有多少怨恨》、《美国的“烧烤俱乐部”》等。