

"How long had you been lying there?" asked Leonard.

"Don't know. I was taken sick," and the inebriate nodded knowingly at Leonard, who felt at liberty to laugh, too.

"Do you ever get sick?"

"Not that way," answered Leonard.

"Smart boy! Better off!"

They reached the hotel, and Leonard engaged a room for his companion.

"Has he got money?" asked the landlord, in a low voice.

"Yes," answered Leonard, "he has nearly a hundred dollars. I counted it myself."

"That's all right, then," said the landlord.

"Here, James, show the gentleman up to No. 15."

"Come, too," said the stranger to Leonard.

The latter followed the more readily because he had not yet been paid his dollar.

The door of No. 15 was opened, and the two entered.

"I will stay with the gentleman a short time," said Leonard to the boy. "If we want anything we will ring."

"All right, sir."

"What's your name?" asked the inebriate, as he sank into a large armchair near the window.

"Leonard Craig."

"Never heard the name before."

"What's your name, sir?"

"What yon want to know for?" asked the other, cunningly.

"The landlord will want to put it on his book."

"My name? Phil Stark."

"Philip Stark?"

"Yes; who told you?"

It will be seen that Mr. Stark was not yet quite himself.

"You told me yourself."

"So I did--'scuse me."

"Certainly, sir. By the way, you told me you would pay me a dollar for bringing you to the hotel."

"So I did. Take it," and Philip Stark passed the wallet to Leonard.

Leonard felt tempted to take a two-dollar bill instead of a one, as Mr. Stark would hardly notice the mistake. Still, he might ask to look at the bill, and that would be awkward. So the boy contented himself with the sum promised.

"Thank you, sir," he said, as he slipped the bill into his vest pocket. "Do you want some supper?"

"No, I want to sleep."

"Then you had better lie down on the bed.

Will you undress?"

"No; too much trouble."

Mr. Stark rose from the armchair, and, lurching round to the bed, flung himself on it.

"I suppose you don't want me any longer," said Leonard.

"No. Come round to-morrer."

"Yes, sir."

Leonard opened the door and left the room.

He resolved to keep the appointment, and come round the next day. Who knew but some more of Mr. Stark's money might come into his hands? Grown man as he was, he seemed to need a guardian, and Leonard was willing to act as such--for a consideration.

"It's been a queer adventure!" thought Leonard, as he slowly bent his steps towards his uncle's house. "I've made a dollar out of it, anyway, and if he hadn't happened to wake up just as he did I might have done better.

However, it may turn out as well in the end."

"You are rather late, Leonard," said his uncle, in a tone that betrayed some irritation.

"I wanted to send you on an errand, and you are always out of the way at such a time."

"I'll go now," said Leonard, with unusual amiability. "I've had a little adventure."

"An adventure! What is it?" Mr. Gibbon asked, with curiosity.

Leonard proceeded to give an account of his finding the inebriate in the meadow, and his guiding him to the hotel. It may readily be supposed that he said nothing of his attempt to appropriate a part of the contents of the wallet.

"What was his name?" asked Gibbon, with languid curiosity.

"Phil Stark, he calls himself."

A strange change came over the face of the bookkeeper.

There was a frightened look in his eyes, and his color faded.

"Phil Stark!" he repeated, in a startled tone.

"Yes, sir."

"What brings him here?" Gibbon asked himself nervously, but no words passed his lips.

"Do you know the name?" asked Leonard, wonderingly.

"I--have heard it before, but--no, I don't think it is the same man."

  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution

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  • 教坊记


  • 天玉经


  • 豪门缠情:老公,饶了我


  • 杨凤田传


    本书讲述了寒门学子杨凤田从小聪慧好学、积极进取,由一名普通的技术人员成长为中国工程院院士的奋斗历程,以及他执着刚毅、爱岗敬业、严以律己、宽以待人的高尚品德。介绍了他始终以‘航空报国、追求第一’’理念为己任,先后参加、组织研制出歼8系列先进战斗机,填补了我国航空史上多项空白,大大增加了空、海军作战能力,为祖国的航空事业立下了汗马功劳的事迹。 本书可供航空科研战线上的工程技术人员及广大军事爱好者阅读学习。
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  • 回到上古当大王


  • 何来苦酒浊心


  • 仙女不愁嫁


  • 红娘的打开方式


    这是一个在帮别人找对象的时候从不放弃自己捞一把的红娘的恋爱故事。有强强联手,也有软萌正太;有协助走上事业巅峰,也有享乐主义走心为上……4对cp各有自己的特色,在章节介绍里有更加详细的描述。总之,4对cp4种类型,甜宠和微虐皆有。走过路过不要错过喔,说不定就有自己喜欢的cp呢(? ̄▽ ̄)?暮暮的完结文《喂!你赖着我干嘛》等你临幸~
  • 不问正邪生而为他


  • 假婚不昏


  • 父子合集经

