

Lady Arctura opened the door of her bedroom. Donal glanced round it.

It was as old-fashioned as the other.

"What is behind that press there--wardrobe, I think you call it?" he asked.

"Only a recess," answered lady Arctura. "The press, I am sorry to say, is too high to get into it."

Possibly had the press stood in the recess, the latter would have suggested nothing; but having caught sight of the opening behind the press, Donal was attracted by it. It was in the same wall with the fireplace, but did not seem formed by the projection of the chimney, for it did not go to the ceiling.

"Would you mind if I moved the wardrobe a little on one side?" he asked.

"Do what you like," she answered.

Donal moved it, and found the recess rather deep for its size. The walls of the room were wainscotted to the height of four feet or so, but the recess was bare. There were signs of hinges on one, and of a bolt on the other of the front edges: it had seemingly been once a closet, whose door continued the wainscot. There were no signs of shelves in it; the plaster was smooth.

But Donal was not satisfied. He took a big knife from his pocket, and began tapping all round. The moment he came to the right-hand side, there was a change in the sound.

"You don't mind if I make a little dust, my lady?" he said.

"Do anything you please," answered Arctura.

He sought in several places to drive the point of his knife into the plaster; it would nowhere enter it more than a quarter of an inch: here was no built wall, he believed, but one smooth stone. He found nothing like a joint till he came near the edge of the recess: there was a limit of the stone, and he began at once to clear it. It gave him a straight line from the bottom to the top of the recess, where it met another at right angles.

"There does seem, my lady," he said, "to be some kind of closing up here, though it may of course turn out of no interest to us! Shall I go on, and see what it is?"

"By all means," she answered, but turned pale as she spoke.

Donal looked at her anxiously. She understood his look.

"You must not mind my feeling a little silly," she said. "I am not silly enough to give way to it."

He went on again with his knife, and had presently cleared the outlines of a stone that filled nearly all the side of the recess.

He paused.

"Go on! go on!" said Arctura.

"I must first get a better tool or two," answered Donal. "Will you mind being left?"

"I can bear it. But do not be long. A few minutes may evaporate my courage."

Donal hurried away to get a hammer and chisel, and a pail to put the broken plaster in. Lady Arctura stood and waited. The silence closed in upon her. She began to feel eerie. She felt as if she had but to will and see through the wall to what lay beyond it. To keep herself from so willing, she had all but reduced herself to mental inaction, when she started to her feet with a smothered cry: a knock not over gentle sounded on the door of the outer room. She darted to the bedroom-door and flung it to--next to the press, and with one push had it nearly in its place. Then she opened again the door, thinking to wait for a second knock on the other before she answered. But as she opened the inner, the outer door also opened--slowly--and a face looked in. She would rather have had a visitor from behind the press! It was her uncle; his face cadaverous; his eyes dull, but with a kind of glitter in them; his look like that of a housebreaker. In terror of himself, in terror lest he should discover what they had been about, in terror lest Donal should appear, wishing to warn the latter, and certain that, early as it was, her uncle was not himself, with intuitive impulse, the moment she saw him, she cried out, "Uncle! what is that behind you?"

She felt afterwards, and was very sorry, that it was both a deceitful and cruel thing to do; but she did it, as I have said, by a swift, unreflecting instinct--which she concluded, in thinking about it, came from the ready craft of some ancestor, and illustrated what Donal had been saying.

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  • Amphitryon


    Amphitryon was played for the first time in Paris, at the Theatre du Palais-Royal, January 13, pgsk.com was successfully received, holding the boards until the 18th of March, when Easter intervened.汇聚授权电子版权。
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  • 说好的历练呢


    (快穿,欢脱,1V1,无逻辑沙雕文)叶印空这辈子大概是完了。为什么?栽夏如也手里了……——世界一:你是不是瞎!大爷你喜欢我哪点我改还不行嘛?难道是我的优秀的脸?我我我马上再去变脸!——世界二:她又被盯上了。好好的一棵白菜干嘛去拱她这头猪啊!况且她也不想被拱啊!——世界三:叶印空见识到了夏如也怼天怼地怼空气的功力。什么青梅竹马邻家小哥哥!你个辣鸡系统我要劈了你! —— 夏如也他就是个祸害! 什么温文尔雅沉默寡言!都是假象! 假象! 叶印空:明明是去历练,然后回去继承家产继续咸鱼,怎么就变成了这样!说好的历练呢?辣鸡系统!233:委屈(つД`)这个锅233不背。 (PS:把之前写过却没写完的或是一些灵光乍现都揉进这本吧,也算是成全自己。)
  • 第二十七封来信


  • 捺钵王朝之辽太宗


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  • 强悍的美女兵团


  • 裴先生的小太阳

