

Cesare Petrucci held the office of Provost of Prato for the Florentine people, at this period. It is customary with governors of towns, similarly situated, to keep the keys of the gates near their persons;and whenever, in peaceful times, they are required by any of the inhabitants, for entrance or exit, they are usually allowed to be taken. Bernardo was aware of this custom, and about daybreak, presented himself at the gate which looks toward Pistoia, accompanied by the Palandra and about one hundred persons, all armed. Their confederates within the town also armed themselves, and one of them asked the governor for the keys, alleging, as a pretext, that some one from the country wished to enter. The governor not entertaining the slightest suspicion, sent a servant with them. When at a convenient distance, they were taken by the conspirators, who, opening the gates, introduced Bernardo and his followers. They divided themselves into two parties, one of which, led by Salvestro, an inhabitant of Prato, took possession of the citadel; the other following Bernardo, seized the palace, and placed Cesare with all his family in the custody of some of their number. They then raised the cry of liberty, and proceeded through the town. It was now day, and many of the inhabitants hearing the disturbance, ran to the piazza where, learning that the fortress and the palace were taken and the governor with all his people made prisoners, they were utterly astonished, and could not imagine how it had occurred. The eight citizens, possessing the supreme authority, assembled in their palace to consider what was best to be done. In the meantime, Bernardo and his followers, on going round the town, found no encouragement, and being told that the Eight had assembled, went and declared the nature of their enterprise, which he said was to deliver the country from slavery, reminding them how glorious it would be for those who took arms to effect such an honorable object, for they would thus obtain permanent repose and everlasting fame. He called to recollection their ancient liberty and present condition, and assured them of certain assistance, if they would only, for a few days, aid in resisting the forces the Florentines might send against them. He said he had friends in Florence who would join them as soon as they found the inhabitants resolved to support him. His speech did not produce the desired effect upon the Eight, who replied that they knew not whether Florence was free or enslaved, for that was a matter which they were not called upon to decide; but this they knew very well, that for their own part, they desired no other liberty than to obey the magistrates who governed Florence, from whom they had never received any injury sufficient to make them desire a change. They therefore advised him to set the governor at liberty, clear the place of his people, and, as quickly as possible, withdraw from the danger he had so rashly incurred. Bernardo was not daunted by these words, but determined to try whether fear could influence the people of Prato, since entreaties produced so little effect. In order to terrify them, he determined to put Cesare to death, and having brought him out of prison, ordered him to be hanged at the windows of the palace. He was already led to the spot with a halter around his neck, when seeing Bernardo giving directions to hasten his end, he turned to him, and said: "Bernardo, you put me to death, thinking that the people of Prato will follow you; but the direct contrary will result; for the respect they have for the rectors which the Florentine people send here is so great, that as soon as they witness the injury inflicted upon me, they will conceive such a disgust against you as will inevitably effect your ruin. Therefore, it is not by my death, but by the preservation of my life, that you can attain the object you have in view; for if Ideliver your commands, they will be much more readily obeyed, and following your directions, we shall soon attain the completion of your design." Bernardo, whose mind was not fertile in expedients, thought the advice good, and commanded Cesare, on being conducted to a veranda which looked upon the piazza, to order the people of Prato to obey him, and having done which, Cesare was led back to prison.

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  • 南岛的星空


    赵海虹是首位获得中国科幻银河奖特等奖的科幻女作家,《南岛的星空》小说集中收录的故事创作时间从1999年到2017年,跨度长达18年之久,是她在“默”系列、“灵波世界”“火星系列”小说之外,力图风格多样化的创作探索。十二篇故事涉及平行宇宙、身体记忆、人工智能、天气控制等各种不同领域,勾画出关于历史与未来的各种丰富可能与技术背后变幻的人心,故事跌宕,情感动人。其中,《蜕》获2001年科幻“银河奖”,英文版2010年发表于美国LCRW杂志、2014年在《光速》(Lightspeed)重新发表,韩文版在韩国网络幻想杂志《镜》发表;《宝贝宝贝我爱你》获2002年科幻“银河奖”读者奖;《一九二三年科幻故事》入选美国哥伦比亚大学出版社2018年出版、宋明炜与Theodore Huters主编的《转生的巨人——中国21世纪科幻小说选》(The Reincarnated giant:An Anthology of Twenty-First-Century Chinese Science Fiction,2018)。最新的短篇《南岛的星空》则是作者酝酿七年,为自己发表科幻二十周年纪念所作。2017年在《科幻世界》发表后,英文版在2019年3月刊载于美国科幻顶级刊物《阿西莫夫科幻杂志》(Asimov's Science Fiction)。作为作者创作中的“非主流”,本书中收录的十二篇小说放下了构架系列世界的包袱,对文学性的追求反而可以得到最大的释放。
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