

'So I said to myself'(continued the jeweller) ''I will go with him whither he will;' and went out and walked on till we came to my second house; and when the man saw it he said to me,'It is without door or doorkeeper,and we cannot possibly sit in it; so come thou with me to another place.' Then the man continued passing from stead to stead (and I with him) till night overtook us. Yet I put no question to him of the matter in hand and we ceased not to walk on,till we reached the open country. He kept saying,'Follow me,' and quickened his pace to a trot,whilst I trotted after him heartening my heart to go on,until we reached the river,where he took boat with me,and the boatman rowed us over to the other bank. Then he landed from the boat and I landed after him: and he took my hand and led me to a street which I had never entered in all my days,nor do I know in what quarter it was. Presently the man stopped at the door of a house,and opening it entered and made me enter with him; after which he locked the door with an iron padlock,[212] and led me along the vestibule,till he brought me in the presence of ten men who were as though they were one and the same man; they being brothers. We saluted them'(continued the jeweller) 'and they returned our greeting and bade us be seated; so we sat down. Now I was like to die for excess of weariness; but they brought me rosewater and sprinkled it on my face; after which they gave me a sherbet to drink and set before me food whereof some of them ate with me. Quoth I to myself,'Were there aught harmful in the food,they would not eat with me.' So I ate,and when we had washed our hands,each of us returned to his place. Then they asked me,'Dost thou know us?' and I answered,'No! nor in my life have I ever seen you; nay,I know not even him who brought me hither.' Said they,'Tell us thy tidings and lie not at all.'

Replied I,'Know then that my case is wondrous and my affair marvellous; but wot ye anything about me?' They rejoined,'Yes!

it was we took thy goods yesternight and carried off thy friend and her who was singing to him.' Quoth I,'Allah let down His veil over you! Where be my friend and she who was singing to him?' They pointed with their hands to one side and replied,'Yonder,but,by Allah,O our brother,the secret of their case is known to none save to thee,for from the time we brought the twain hither up to this day,we have not looked upon them nor questioned them of their condition,seeing them to be persons of rank and dignity. Now this and this only it was that hindered our killing them: so tell us the truth of their case and thou shalt be assured of thy safety and of theirs.' When I heard this'(continued the jeweller) 'I almost died of fright and horror,and I said to them,'Know ye,O my brethren,that if generosity were lost,it would not be found save with you; and had I a secret which I feared to reveal,none but your breasts would conceal it.' And I went on exaggerating their praises in this fashion,till I saw that frankness and readiness to speak out would profit me more than concealing facts; so I told them all that had betided me to the very end of the tale. When they heard it,they said,'And is this young man Ali Bakkarson and this lady Shams alNahar?' I replied,'Yes.' Now this was grievous to them and they rose and made their excuses to the two and then they said to me,'Of what we took from thy house part is spent,but here is what is left of it.' So speaking,they gave me back most of my goods and they engaged to return them to their places in my house,and to restore me the rest as soon as they could. My heart was set at ease till they split into two parties,one with me and the other against me; and we fared forth from that house and such was my case.

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