

They could hardly believe their eyes when they saw it;but,sitting down by that spring,drank of its water and ate of the fruit of that granadotree;after which they lay on the ground and slept till sunrise,when they washed and bathed in the spring and,eating of the pomegranates,slept again till the time of midafternoon prayer. Then they thought to continue their journey,but As'ad could not walk,for both his feet were swollen. So they abode there three days till they were rested,after which they set out again and fared on over the mountain days and nights,tortured by and like to die of thirst,till they sighted a city gleaming afar off,at which they rejoiced and made towards it. When they drew near it,they thanked Allah (be His Name exalted!) and Amjad said to As'ad,'O my brother,sit here,whilst I go to yonder city and see what it is and whose it is and where we are in Allah's wide world,that we may know through what lands we have passed in crossing this mountain,whose skirts had we followed,we had not reached this city in a whole year. So praised be Allah for safety!'Replied As'ad,'By Allah,O my brother,none shall go down into that city save myself,and may I be thy ransom! If thou leave me alone,be it only for an hour,I shall imagine a thousand things and be drowned in a torrent of anxiety on shine account,for I cannot brook shine absence from me.'Amjad rejoined,'Go then and tarry not. So As'ad took some gold pieces,and leaving his brother to await him,descended the mountain and ceased not faring on till he entered the city. As he threaded the streets he was met by an old man agedecrepit,whose beard flowed down upon his breast and forked in twain;[380] he bore a walkingstaff in his hand and was richly clad,with a great red turband on his head. When As'ad saw him,he wondered at his dress and his mien;nevertheless,he went up to him and saluting him said,'Where be the way to the market,O my master?'

Hearing these words the Shaykh smiled in his face and replied,'O my son,meseemeth thou art a stranger?'As'ad rejoined,'Yes,I am a stranger.'And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Two Hundred and Twentyseventh Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that the Shaykh who met As'ad smiled in his face and said to him,'O my son,meseemeth thou art a stranger?'and As'ad replied,'Yes,I am a stranger.'Then rejoined the old man,'Verily,thou gladdenest our country with thy presence,O my son,and thou desolatest shine own land by reason of shine absence. What wantest thou of the market?'Quoth As'ad,'O uncle,I have a brother,with whom I have come from a far land and with whom I have journeyed these three months;and,when we sighted this city,I left him,who is my elder brother,upon the mountain and came hither,purposing to buy victual and what else,and return therewith to him,that we might feed thereon.'Said the old man,'Rejoice in all good,O my son,and know thou that today I give a marriagefeast,to which I have bidden many guests,and I have made ready plenty of meats,the best and most delicious that heart can desire. So if thou wilt come with me to my place,I will give thee freely all thou lackest without asking thee a price or aught else. Moreover I will teach thee the ways of this city;and,praised be Allah,O my son,that I,and none other have happened upon thee.'

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