
第6章 Living with Death

First Sunday in Lent, February 18

Read John 11:1-27

When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. (John 11:17 CEB)

The story of Lazarus showcases one of Jesus' most powerful miracles. A man has died and, days later, is brought back to life. The power of the story lies not only in its miraculous nature, but also in our own fear of death.

Death is often a taboo subject, yet it happens to everyone. There are many diets, supplements, and lifestyles to try to keep death at bay. If you want, you can spend your entire life invested in staving off death.

Under the section "What are the instruments of Good Works?" in The Rule of St. Benedict, monks are given instructions meant to help them live a holier life. "Do not steal" and "Put one's hope in God" might sound familiar to most Christians. But, later in the list comes the instruction: "Keep death daily before one's eyes."

I have wondered about the purpose of this instruction, yet intuitively I know: death will happen whether we admit it or not. How we choose to live is often shaped by how we relate to the next stage of our existence. Do we fear it, doing all we can to avoid it (as if it could be avoided)? Or, can we learn to live with great joy, celebrating the gifts of creation while we are still alive?

Prayer: Holy God, may I be aware of my own inevitable death, so as not to lose my life worrying about it. Amen.

Andrew Guthrie

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